Shared Dream Hypothesis

I read somewhere about how binaural beats affect the brain and stuff, and they said something about how if you play a chord on one piano, it will vibrate the same strings on another piano, so I was wondering if maybe our brains are the same.

So let’s say two people are dreaming in close proximity, would it be possible for someone to “pick up” the other person’s brainwaves? Could it be possible for someone to practice and hone their skills, and perhaps enter someone else’s dreams?

Anyway, maybe someone could explain why or why not this is possible.

Technically seen, colliding waves could create interference patterns and could strengthen or weaken each other. So yes, it’s possible that brainwaves of two different people might get entangled. However, the entanglement occurs after the individual brainwaves were created by neuronal activity. They are the effect of brain mechanics, not the cause. Hence, you could never directly influence dreams this way, because the interference patterns can never move faster than the speed of light, which must be required in case these patterns must have an effect on the origin of the same brainwaves from which the interference pattern was originally made of. So this type of SDing would be limited by time and the speed of light, and perhaps some more factors. No matter how quickly one could interact with someone else, it always takes a certain amount of time to start the actual interaction. But as soon as it takes some time, the initial dream setting on which it was supposed to interact, has already faded and transformed in the next dream scene, with new brainwave patterns as a result. These new brainwave patterns will have difference interference patterns, so the manner of interaction will constantly shift. It’s always running behind the facts.
Another thing one might ask: do these brainwave patterns truly represent the dream one’s dreaming? Scientific experiments have showed a correlation between one’s level of lucidity and the corresponding brainwave patterns at that moment. But that correlation is about the state of mind inside the dream. It doesn’t say anything about the dream itself, its actual setting, other DCs, situational buildup, etc… All this can only be recalled by subjective introspection at the point of waking up from the dream. So far it has eluded any serious objective measurement and analysis by means of scientific methodology. And I think scientists will never be able to penetrate to actual dream content by the use of brainwaves. Subjective experiences need personal dialogue with the dreamer to say something about them, not an objectivized monologue with the aid of scientific equipment.

Given these two problems, I don’t think your proposed method will ever work. Nevertheless, it’s an intriguing and attractive theory. No doubt about that :smile:

As for first reason- this can also mean that its completely unrequired to sleep at the same time to have SD.Once the signal is produced and out(what is happening when our brain works) anything can be- it may became very weak but then again we dont know how strong signal must be for other brain to recieve it.Or it may just “be out there” endlessly,as in form of energy.
There can be some more or…or…etc.
As to second- bit too early to dissmiss brainwaves as information carrier while the question is- can two brains communicate?IF they do it might be even more subtle way than brainwaves/electricity.
Take care:)

Being aware of a dream is a matter of consciousness, not of brainwaves. Therefore brainwaves do not explain SD to me, however being conscious somehow of someone else’s dream (ESP?) does.

I don’t have to say much at the moment like most did but i go with Xetrov and maybe Mystic in someway.But i still have the thought of Xetrov about brainwaves not really having something to do in Shared Dreaming; i think it is a matter of something beyond physical.