Shared Dreams? Who Has Control?

Just pondering about shared LD’s, since you and your buddy are in an LD at the same time, who has the control? would you be competing for control over the landscape and surrondings, or would only one have control, or would it be half and half? Just wondering :eh:

i have always thought of that but never had a sd to try it out on, but i think ld power would be the same, coukd do what you want and so could they, the person with more power would be the better lder, but that is just an idea, like i said i havent done it yet :sad:


Heres a question for you people who believe in shared dreams: In which ones minds does the dream happen? Yours, his, or boths? Or in some “astral realm” where “all the dreams take place”?

:eh: :shy:

To be realistic for a second, the only way a shared dream could actually be possible, is if dreams did in fact occur on some astral plane disassociated with the physical world. In this case, the dream would be more like an online computer game, in which each client (dreamer) would be capable of interacting with the world to the extent capable of their experience/power, while the world itself was hosted external to any of the participating dreamers.

For this reason, I (naturally) don’t believe that shared dreaming is possible. It relies on the existence of a “dream plane”, which would exist outside what we consider to be the physical world. Utterly fascinating idea though.

I think that if we can share existance here on earth then it is possible to share existance in dreams wherever they occur. Maybe dream sharing is the same for both lucid dreamers, they just see the dream from they own point of view and control their own actions.

People can share their existance here, in waking life, because there is one physical world. When you dream, that dream exists within your head, just as a seperat instance of a dream occurs within that of each other dreamer. Therein lies the fundamental problem with shared dreaming. One physical world, billions of people, billions of dream worlds.

Shared dreaming does not rely on a shared dream plane (this is AP) but rather on the existance of psi, basically senses possessed by humans that are not documented as fact by science.

Psi is not accepted science fact but other systems in nature display the same abilites as psi, partical spin etc so it can be said that there is not enough evidence to “disprove” it.

Basically someone has enaged that part of themselves that can either broadcast or receive, many times this can be due to a stressful dream. You can read my account of a shared dream here … isreal.htm I’m not bothered if people beleive me or not, the cool thing is I “personally” know its possible (along with the other person).

With psi you do not need to be physically close either, you could be any distance away and even time need not get in the way. If you cannot believe in anything that science has not uncovered a mechanism for then shared dreaming is impossible and so you must conclude I’m either lying or me and my freind had a dream by chance on the same night about the same thing and then thought we would tell the other the dream (which we never normally do).

After that experince I took the time to build the whole Lucid Crossroads website, which took alot of my personal time but I thought it was important to do it.

Oh I forgot to say this all should come with the footnote “In my opinion”

I actually put forth that same idea in the other thread about shared dreaming currently open at the moment. However, I made it clear that I would only accept telepathy as an option for shared dreaming in the event that all participants are in the same general area or room. I’ve seen accounts of people claiming to have shared a dream with friends or relatives from across the world, which doesn’t make the same kind of sense.

Besides, I don’t think psi would be a valid option anyway, knowing exactly how dreams are formed in the mind. I guess since there is no grounds to the theory in the first place, you can easily stretch it to fill the hole that presents itself when you take into account the ways dreams rely on the individual structure of the dreamers’ mind. In any case, there is still simply not enough going for the theory to consider it viable- at least at this point.

I wholeheartedly agree with Pantilimon! I’m a strong believer of the placebo effect… what you think is what you create. The power of a mind is infinite like the universe! If one can keep that in mind always, you can do anything you want. What Pantilimon said about time and space not being a limit is absolutely correct. One time while I was in a deep state of meditation, I made a realization that I needed to help a friend who was slipping away… I appeared in his dream and explained to him exactly what was going on. And when he proclaimed I was nothing but a dream figure, I yelled back “I’m not just a dream figure! I’m really me! You’re lucid dreaming!” After he awoke from that dream, he called me and asked me if I had dreamed about him that night. I told him I wasn’t even asleep that night… so this further motivates me to believe the power of the mind. Quote from Waking Life… “Now we are experiencing a new kind of evolution, which is proceeding on two levels–digital (artificial intelligence) and analog (biotechnology). This will lead to the development of a “neo-human” no longer restricted by time and space.” The man goes further on as to explain that as information piles on information, and ability piles on ability… one reaches a cresendo where they are no longer bound by time and space… they have multi-parallel existances… in different dimensions. If dreaming is a gateway to your subconcious, a gateway to the universe… and you can reach a state of dreaming whilst awake… (meditation) Then it makes complete sense that you can be conciously aware of your subconcious while awake. You can tap into the universe at will. I awoke from a dream where I had become existance… no body… not even a mind… I was everything… I understood everything and when I awoke… I could not describe it to make sense… I wrote down key words… star = idea = infinite energy… believe in magic… When I read the words again… I could not get the true meaning until one evening while I was in deep focus… I put together the words and created a formula… Every idea has potential for infinite energy, Faith decides the level. Faith fuels the idea… One who truely believes with heart and spirit fuels any idea… any star… to existance. I’m checking out your site Pantilimon! Great work, thanks for putting your personal time into this for everyone.


I don’t mean to dismiss the possibility all together, Pantalimon, but after reading your shared dream account I couldn’t help but arrive at several far more likely conclusions that might have occasioned your experience. Firstly, I propose that at some point during the night, there was a sound of someone banging on a door. It could be a neighbor, an animal, or God knows what else. As they do, that sound made it’s way into both of your dreams. In yours, you awake (FA) to the sound and related it to your own bedroom door. In hers, the dream mixed with an existing underlying topic of fear and evil, and so had her banging on your door for help.

At that point, it’s possible that she began yelling your name out loud in her sleep. It happens all the time, and would more than adequately explain why you heard it in yours. Since (as you report) that was the extent of the shared experience, I’m left almost without doubt that my solution is the most plausible explanation for it. Who knows, maybe you both watched something on TV before going to bed and brought you both to dream about evil spirits?

It might look like it, but my goal isn’t to convince you that shared dreaming isn’t possible. Instead, it’s to demonstrate that there is frequently several other far more likely possibilities that are often overlooked as people desperately try to credit the event with a mystical or paranormal activity. If anything, I’m here to prove to myself that shared dreaming is possible.

I don’t disreguard the fact it “could” have been “mere” coincidence Atheist however I differ from you, in taht I think that it was “more” likely to be a shared dream event that a million to 1 happening.

Main points about this are :-

  1. I didn’t watch anything on TV that night at all don’t know about her

  2. At that point she didn’t know about my intrest in dreams and never told me about her dreams before.

  3. She did not yell in her sleep I used to have an ex who did that but I know my housemate doesn’t and she was sleeping next to her boyfreind at the time and he never said anything.

  4. Turning a bang somewhere into the same dream initself is a very very coincidental thing its far far more likely we would have turned a bang into something else in our own dreams not spawned the same dream.

  5. We did both talk to each other about the possibility it was an external sound that got into our dreams but that as I’ll point out to you that doesn’t make sense. if we heard a sound outside or a knock on our door it could be very likely that “I” might construct a dream where “she” knocked on my door but “she” is not going to hear a knock that makes her dream about getting up in bed in fear of a spirit in her room and then go down stairs to make the knock she’s just heard into a knock on my door.

To you its only “more” likely its not a shared dream because shared dreaming is not science fact. There is a possibility that your version is correct but you have to admit the very very large number against chance that it conjures up and as point 5 proves your arguement has holes. So the only reason that you think my version is less likely is that shared dreaming is not yet proved.

BTW way I wasn’t lucid and it wasn’t an FA it was just a normal dream. There is something else I should point out its personal which is why its not included on the site (I may include it in a later version of the site I just didn’t want to put people off by it being too far fetched).

For me that dream was one of many events almost all of them occuring outside dreaming that were to do with death and a sense of forboding. That dream was twords the end of a period of these happenings that ended in the sudden and unexpected death of my grandma. So I see that episode as my housemate who I’d known for about 5 years just picking up on my intense predictive dream. (which you also can have the right not to believe in).