Sharing Dreams

I used to own a book that has a technique for shared dreaming,
but that was quite some time ago,I had moved house since and
couldn’t find that book.Anyway did anyone have any idea how
shared dreaming is done?

:smile:) Heee…Come to think of LDing with your friends!

At the LD-FAQ ( ) u’ll find a method. Try that!

That was widely discussed on many ocassions on one of the old forums-try searching archives for :“shared” or “Jack”- i rem posting quite a lot about our experiments:)
Good luck

Hey, one method of sharing dreams which I’ve talked about a few times before, is while you’re having a lucid dream go to where the person that you want to have a shared dream with is sleeping then lie your body on top of theirs so yours goes inside theirs and then you should be in their dream. But one thing, you should only try having them with people close to you. Because most often when people have a shared dream its not lucid, its just by accident, and its with people that are quite close emotionally, eg. a family memeber. Another technique I thought of is reading someones dream dairy in your dream and then just jumping into that dream, I had a dream in which I did this the other night, but unfortuanatly it wasn’t lucid and I doubt it ended up actually being a shared dream, but I still think that it could work.

I think the main part of trying to have a shared dream is beliving that it will work, the placebo effect.

Everybody talks about shared lucid
dreaming and all the different
techniques and that, but I’m wondering
has anybody ever had a successful
shared lucid dream? If you have I’d
be grateful if you posted. It’s kind of
something I’m really interested in.
Thanks. :content:

ive been trying with a friend of mine with little luck. but my sleeping schedule is off. ill continue to work on this. and i like the idea of going to where a person is sleeping and entering their body. i think that this might be effective in an OBE.

btw has anyone had any luck manipulating physical objects in an OBE. i tryed by setting out a blank sheet of paper and pen. but i dont remember an OBE that night. however there were sporadic marks on the paper. i have been known to sleepwalk though. i think i was probably sleepwalking then as i remember my OBEs quite vividly.

Austizmo: weird… maybe you could go for the “gaining lucididity while sleepwalking” idea (j/k! please DON’T even think of attempting it, it could be very dangerous). Perhaps you should try to use repetative phrases (think MILD) to get yourself to have a predictable sleepwalking action with pen/paper, however.

How would you and the other person know your dreaming, how would you and your freind or soulmate manifest the same vision? And if you did how can you prove it or know to make it Fact? Just a thought…

A fact is just a commonly accepted opinion :content:

Yeah, but is it true?