
I shifted today O.O i were walking down the stairs to take a shower, when i got problems walking on two legs, i don’t drink or do drugs or such… i just couldn’t walk on two legs, i had to walk on four to get to the shower and needen to stand against something not to fall, it was a bit scary, but most exiting :lol: i was eventualy able to walk on two again, but the experience lasted for about 10-15 minutes…

Errr… :eek: is it shift or mental regression? :tongue:

Shifting would be more like the release of mental supression :razz:

I have had to be human for a week now, because my relatives and so. I don’t think my grandmother would have appreciated if I’ve walked on all fours on christmas eve :razz:

Whew, long time, no shift :eh: wonder why…

No other shifters?

While I have done mental shifts before to get ideas for my stories, I usually just rely on my dreams for that. But in times of need, I will do a type of aural shift to aid my communication with animals. It is not often that I do this, however. A good opportunity rarely presents itself, and I am not very experienced at it. More often than not, I will interact with an animal soley on what I know about its behavior.

If I had a pet, then the frequency of these aural shifts would change drastically…

i have a cat, and in times i treat it like a cub, like a saw treats her cubs, and im male :eek:

well, some more info on this topic; as a regular non therianthropic dreamer the only type of “shifts” obtainable would be D-Shifts or dream shifts, those are the same as transforming yourself into an animal, but unwillingly, if you IWL do act like a spesific animal, shift, without any control at all ponder about this

Sounds like sleep walking :eh:


yes, but sleepwalking can happen douring DS… and i have had other shifts than that, so it don’t dissprove that i have them =/

Well dream walking isn’t usually restricted to just one case. There are always multiple instenses.


I think he means that not all his shifts are during sleep.

I shift sometimes… ahem into a hamster…

Sorry but im sure this doesnt exist. Its only in your head.


Matrix obligatory “everything is in your head” post


Haha, yes, it’s just in the head, but so are dreams. And you, Sepultra, are on a lucid dreaming forum.
But dreams, hallucinaitons and shifts are all very intresting, even though one could argue how important they are.

Thanks I know im on a LD forum.

Yeah dream are in OUR head but shifting is in YOUR head. thats different.

Are you saying that this forum should be strictly for lucid dreaming?

So, just because it’s not as common as other phenomenons, then they who feel this must be crazy?
There are all kinds of “crazy” things, but at least I admit that nothing else than my mind changes.

if you dont have anything positive to say dot say it, i could give countless links to sites explaining this, but take the one on the first page, its explaining enough… search for therianthropy on wikipedia, whatever, but you cant draw conclutions that shifting is only in my head since you dont experience it…

and btw, the forum is Beyond Dreaming… you seem to forget that