
Now, I had to read this again and for some unkown reason, I understand it today.

I have questions, especially for Kenai and Lanina. You two seem to be the one’s that embrace this completely.

By reading some of the article that was originally posted, and other explanations that are in this thread. What is the average age of a shifter? Doesn’t it seem like shifting is something that can be learned by all rather than just having a keener sense of being something else? For example, people that are raised in the wild or amongst animals. Sure the cases are few and far between, but it happens. These people completely believe they are or belong to this animal.

I think I want to read more on how you two, and anyone else, came to the conclusion that you are ‘weres’.

I don’t consider myself a were just a “normal human being” as far as that goes but this thread is great. I have shape- shifted to a wolf in dreams (posted that before I’m sure) I love it! I think changing the way you look at things and react to a more animal state is possible for any human. It happens under stress. That’s how we started out either you fight or flight. IMHO, I think feeling a closer link to one particular animal over others would have to have something to do with your spirit guides.

EDIT: [reason]popular tread[/reason]
/me agrees with Anamcara

-i don’t have a clue what the average age of a were is, but most have their awakening (discovering it) at the last stages of puberty and most weres you find online is between the ages 15 and 20, but you can easily find others too, allthough there are many weres there are only this many in a comunity such as

-i have not heard about anyone learning to shift, it comes naturaly, for most…

-Mabye they do, mabye some don’t, i dont know as i was not raised by animals, or i was raised by animals, but not the sort you are talking about, but yeah, i would gess you are right about that.

as for the last line, I don’t realy know myself, but the description found on fits me quite well, it fits me much better than anyone in my class that have read through it…

and about Lanina, all i know is, she’s a cute gir… cough wolf :love: you know what i mean :aww:

Well, if you look at the messageboards for these kind of people, they are mostly young. But I think this has more to do with the fact that the messageboards are on the internet, not that there isn’t any older “weres” (I dislike that word, as it means “man”).

I’m sometimes unsure of what I am, but therianthropy sometimes fits onto me. Sometimes I think that I must be crazy, or that I’m a lycanthrope.

Of course, shifting as in “special thinking and faster reflexes” can probably be learnt. But the bond to a certain animal is something that should come from inside.

I have transformed into different animals in dreams (like birds and cats) but I don’t think that matters as long as I don’t feel as much “home” as I do in the wolf form.

Oh, I’m just rambling. I’m really tired. Anyway, I hope that people won’t try to “cure” me or get prejudices from this thread.

Just because this is the Shifting thread, I was at the dentist’s yesterday. And when I layed down in that chair and got laughing gas I held my hands just as if they were paws. Picture a dog lying on her back with the paws in the air.
My dentist thought it was wierd.

…This shifting thing gave me a lot of problems in grade 3. :neutral:

It would occationally happen in grade 6 too… At the time I didn’t know what it was.

I don’t think you’re rambling Lanina, my curiousity has been peaked with this topic.

I would be concerned with people that would want to try and cure you too. Not too many people will understand that this is something others experience and embrace.

Wyvern: What exactly happened?

Wyvern, maybe we had suffered the same thing. I won’t post any details, you shouldn’t do it too if you like.

No offense but Warnings are needed. So…

I’m not trying to underestimate the mind training and give respects for the ones who can do that great concentration.

It’s very dangerous, getting into it may drive you crazy!

I do not recommend it’s trial. It might be a key to madness that can get complicated advances through you subconciousness, and make you feel sick to live as a human, getting yourself as a sicky way of lycantropy.
(Lycantropy is a illness)
Even if you have a “second animal” it’s only the second one, do never forget your first!.

Believe me, I do really know what I’m talkin about.

I’m afraid that you do not know what you are talking about…

I won’t get off topic of the topic that all you own.
Just a Warning is needed. Why are you trying to make me tell details?
I don’t want to disturb that topic! But other guests need a controversial, they need to be seeing that this might be very dangerous!

I hope we don’t get into a misunderstanding. I’m not really that the technique is not a interesting thing, and it may not be amazing, I’m saying that’s just like the fire… very beutiful, amazing, heat supply, useful, but dangerous and pollutant.

That means that they will not forget what you refer as their “first” selves.

By the way, your “warnings” are not necessary. I suggest that you let them be, regardless of your concerns about them becoming “crazy”.

Please forgive my weird postings then, I didn’t manage to get off topic.
Let’s get talking about shifting the way it deserves!

I understand that you are trying to warn them, but I think they might get angry when you say shifting is the key to madness. You’re making it sound like they will easily fall into clinical lycanthropy when they decide to get into shifting.

By the way Tggtt, I wonder what you shifted into. :content:

In grade 3, I used to start acting wierd. I can’t remember it all exactly but I would start growling and chasing people. I’m not sure what animal I was acting like. Then I would think after, “geez, why was I acting so stupid?” This led to people teasing me.

I thought that maybe it was some little faze but no. It happened in grade 6 too and I would think the same thing after. I’d be like wtf? It was such a strange state of mind to be in.

The last time I felt wierd like this was 2 years ago. It hasn’t happened since and I hope it doesn’t again. At least, not in public.

That’s what i feared and I’m really very sorry about offtopic…

I think I understand your warning Tggtt.

I think these guys are not inducing this but rather embracing this keener sense/awareness they have. Most of the ‘shifting’ I’ve read, or understood as, reference the dreaming state.

Nonetheless, it never hurts to put a ‘warning’ sticker on anything.

I do really thank you Iluminada for your understanding!

I guess it will get a normal flowing afterall.

Thanks to Neol for allowing this to get back to it’s topic

I’m sorry for my earlier posts, but your warning sounded like to me that they will easily leave their human selves behind and will easily fall into clinical lycanthropy.

I’ve always had a very good sense of awareness and sense of danger. That animal feeling only heightened it.

Maybe this happens because I keep too many things inside. I just hope I don’t go attacking someone.

Wyvern, the same here! I’m still wondering about it…
Very strange that I got more intelligent… not only senses and adventuring ideas…

It’s very strange our ages! What’s about the 15~20 years old? If you find anything about it tell us!
I was 15 when this happened for the first time, but it was the same animal that i knew for my whole life, that shocked me…

Man do you understand me?
What would you think when you discover the same animal you dreamed about when child would make you discover some features that you might had lost for your whole living. It seemed like, I was the second one since I was born. very shocking!

At least, I got passed through this without losing my features :lol:

I’m very happy that I didn’t do anything strange that way!

You mean heightened senses of smell and hearing cause I definately have that. Although it would appear that other people are able to smell sicknesses too.

So is there only 4 of us on this board or are there more shifters/weres?