
Last night I was in bed, thinking about something, then suddenly, I got some kind of a…shockwave.I could even see it.It was like an expanding white ring when it was in my eyes.Then I did a reflex reaction.I snapped a bit and opened my eyes.Then my arms and legs felt weird.I thought I wouldn’t be able to move them, but I did.

So, what was that?

Did you get a rush like you were dropping into a hole? It could possibly have been a myclonic jerk if you did. These sometimes happen when you are in a very relaxed state. It feels like an adrenalin rush and usually a group of muscles will contract suddenly, jerking you into full awareness.

No, I don’t think I felt I was dropping into a hole, falling, spinning or anything.
But it could be an adrenalin rush, tho.
It came very suddenly, so I was suprised.

I haven’t feel that lately but at used to have them all the time. Mine were during a normal dream, then out of a sudden I felt the electic shock (here I realised I was in a dream, but kind of nightmare after the shock) and woke up moments after and afraid to move (I used to think there was visitors/ entities in my room that created created the sensation) Now I believe it was because I didn’t know much of LD and once I noticed I was in one I may got scared and feel the sensation while suddonly waking up. (so it may be a shock created when jumping from a LD to RL

No, I wasn’t even asleep.

In my LD’s I usually have a “white ring” as you described, or some sort of. I used it mostly for throwing away the “things” that wanted or could hurt me in any way.
Ok, it is just in my dream, but when I use the WILD method I use to see this white ring (it is more like a sunshine) before I actually fall asleep. I would describe the feeling like “passing on the other side” (maybe the idea came from the way dead people cross over :scared: )
It is always followed by a reflex reaction, like shaking or unconsciously moving body parts.
It also depends on what you were thinking about, because this “shockwave” may have been consciously created by you, but without knowing exactly why. Or you simply “charged your biological batteries” :lol:

Do you have a retinal tears condition? That can be dangerous if so. They are accompanied by flashing lights.

[com]Read this article and see if you can relate to it. I hope not![/com]

This made me think of the ‘exploding head’ experience. It is a strong, noisy experience while falling asleep, and a completely harmless hallucination.

No, tyrael, I don’t think so.
It was the first time it happened to me, and I think my doctors would notice it.
I don’t think that was related to any eye problem or something like that.