Last night i had my second ld and like my first one it only lasted like 5 seconds. Everytime i say im dreaming in a dream i become lucid then 5 seconds later everything fades to black and i either wake up or have a false awakening, Both time i trie spinning and it didnt work, does ne one have ne other tips on how to stay lucid besides spinning?
Try rubbing in your hands (works very well for me!).
Another thing which is quite important is that you don’t stand still for a long time in a LD, because that’s often a reason that you wake up early. Walk around and pay attention to the dream world and it’s details. Touch something as you’re walking around and really focus on how real it feels.
As long as you stay with your mind fully within the dream world, the chances of waking up decrease.
Good luck!
I had this problem when I started having lds but they get longer with more experience. For me looking at my hands is my favorite method for stabilizing the dream, though looking at the ground works well too. Also try darting your eyes around in the ld because if I fix my gaze on something for too long I tend to wake up. You’ll also find that no matter how many lds you have occassionaly you will experience a short one every now and then. Some just last longer than others.
the more LD’s you have the better you’ll be at remaining in them. it comes with experience like mbb809 said. when i was beginning i had many short lucid dreams like you said, and I thought it was a serious problem only I had. It was depressing but I didn’t give up… and after a while i got through that stage. you will too, so don’t give up! good luck!
Verbal commands work great for me. Just say or shout “Increase lucidity now!” or “Become clearer now!” Repeat it a couple of times if necessary, but it always stabilizes the dreamscape almost instantly.
Some say that holding on to some fixed object (like a table or a wall) helps too.Dont know myself tho,rubbing my hands is my method
take care
I have not had good resutls with spinning.
I know that looking at your hands and rubbing them together help stablize the dream. Also try looking at the ground.