hi every body.i started to keep a dream journal for 2 weeks now and i can remember from 2 to 3 dreams per night.i dont want to practise any technique until i have a good recall.now that i have i started with auto suggestion and MILD.
itried auto suggestion 3 nights now (for waking up after every dream) and it works perfectly.what do you think ? should i start practising MILD ?
THX in advance
Yes, since your DR is really optimal, you can begin with every technique you want.
If auto suggestion works that nice for you, MILD will do a good job for you, I’m sure. You can combine MILD with WBTB which should give you even better results.
Good luck!
Yes, as Leijona said, MILD seems like a good start. It requires autosuggestion, so since it works well for you, MILD should work too.
Later you can also move onto DEILD and WILD. All of these mentioned techniques also work well with WBTB (depends from person to person thought). Just try experimenting with various techniques and check, which works best.
Yes! I started with MILD and work perfectly… Well, I have my first LD after 2 weeks using different types of techniques!
Do NOT forget about Self-Hypnosis (hypnosis is Sugestion)!