Maybe it’s just me, but the more I’ve been doing reality checks, the more often I notice things IRL that make me think i’m dreaming (dream-like nature of reality). Maybe I’m just looking harder.
It's hard to think of examples, but it's mainly things like wierd coincedences, computers not doing what they're supposed to, missing the bus, turning around and a person who was just there is gone, noticing small things I'd never really noticed before even though they've been under my nose, etc...
Another thing that I’ve noticed is that my visual memory is much better, probably from trying to recall dreams every morning. I can picture a friends house I used to visit a lot when I was about 10 (now 20) and walk through it, remembering things that happened in every room I go through. It’s quite entertaining, I love that feeling of nostalgia.
It’s just daydreaming I suppose, but I do it much easier than I used to.
oh well, enough rambling. bye for now