Signs of falling asleep/Impact of a Dream Journal

Hey guys, I’ve lurked this forum for awhile and I thought I’d finally make an account.
For awhile I’ve been trying to LD and the closest I got lasted for a few seconds before I lost focus using the WBTB technique. Last night I experienced some weird stuff telling myself “I will remember my dream” as opposed to the usual “When I dream I will realize I am dreaming”. After laying in bed for awhile I saw some somewhat vivid images. I saw some dark purple/black jagged spirals spinning and for some reason I thought of them as teeth. I told myself that I was close to dreaming and eventually stopped seeing these images. After that it was back to normal, with the pure black that you normally see with your eyelids closed. Sometimes while falling asleep I’ll also see a small flash of blueish white light. I’m not quite sure if these are a sign of entering the Hypnagogic state, does anyone know?

Also, how much does keeping a dream journal affect your ability to LD? I remember many of my dreams from up to months ago without having to write them down, but just this morning I started keeping a Dream Journal in hopes of results. I’ve also started doing reality checks during the day but don’t seem to have the habit carry over into my dreams.

Lastly, when your mind begins to drift off and think of things with almost no connection to each other does that signify that you’re starting to fall asleep? Sometimes I find myself doing this and entering somewhat of a semi-dream state where I trip/fall and twitch in “real life” as if I’ve just been awakened from a dream.

Sorry for all the questions, thanks!

1.Hypnagogic images are different for every person, so it could be.I don’t know why, but when I close my eyes, I never see everything black…there are always some colored dots…at day and night…when it’s night time I can see them with my eyes open.

2.It improves your ability to remember dreams and make them more vivid…it doesn’t improve your ability to lucid dream, not directly.

3.Yes. You should recognize it.At that time you are usually very relaxed, and your mind wanders somewhere else.

When I close my eyes I also see coloured dots. However, you can’t actually ‘see’ them, because your eyes are closed. I try and ‘look’ at these dots and see if I can pick up some odd shape, or something that catches my mind. I’ll follow this thing for a while, in hoping it shall transform into my dream- it takes a bit of concentration. But your physical body remains relaxed.
My mind also drifts off onto other things. Usually, I’ll drift off into thinking about something that happened during the day, and I’ll automatically just think…think…think…Eventually you end up like you say- Semi- asleep. When I realise I’m semi asleep, I’ll try and re- focus onto LD, because I know that by thinking of your life, you will just fall asleep and dream.

Yeah, keeping a journal dosn’t help LD much for me. I always remember the ones I write down, and I’ve got some from years ago. RC- do them for about one month, and then you make them a habit where you won’t remind yourself. I;m just curious that if I do a RC in a dream, and it ‘works’, eg: My finger goes THROUGH my hand, I’ll just believe it like it was normal- like a regular dream.