sign's of insanity or a conspiricy?

I fear i may be going insane after i had a dream about the blue screen of death, not only does microsoft cause me extream emounts of stress in my waking life but the occasional dream i get to remember is about there dam operating systems not starting right lol.

This braught me to this new conspiricy theory, not only have the infected my 32 bit computer but they are trying to take over my mind :eek:

If i ever meet Bill Gates, ill kill him :smile:

You can kill him, but another one will take his place.

Now that made me Chuckle.

The Matrix v 3.0, brought to you by Microsoft.

i suggest you switch to some other OS, like maybe linux :wink: It helped me abit atleast :tongue:

either you are not being serious or you have serious problems. :eek:

you think ur crazy? i know im going insane man. ive been having recurring dreams about wearing womens’ panties ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Oh god, I had one of those recently. I had a bra too. AND THEY DIDN’T MATCH!

ROFL! I never would have guessed guys dreamt that kind of stuff. :tongue:

Wow I’m scared. :panic: And how do they do it with the blue screen? Maybe I’d be able to insert such feature in one of my programs… :grinnn:
