silly me... ;)

i am living over seas at the moment and i had a ND that i was back in Australia…
i asked myself in my dream “How the hell did i get here… i know i didnt come by plane becauce if i did i would remember that… I definantly didnt come by boat… Why cant i remember? I need to know so i can tell if this is a dream or not!!!” and then i said to myself “I know what to do… i will ask mum!!”
anyway i went to find mum but she was in the bathroom so i couldnt ask her. I then looked outside and saw my older brother driving a red convertable car. This is HIGHLY unlikley!!

Anyway i woke up after this dream and i thought it was funny that i was trying to find out if this was a dream or not even when it was a dream. I should of realized it was a dream as soon as i was wondering how i got there right??
What a weird dream… It was certainly not lucid though

i just thought i would share this with you guys and that i had to go ask mum, lol :smile:


You should use more RCing next time. Like looking at your hands, or sqeezing your nose :smile:

Although i spent almost all my FA dream once for different RCs to be absolute sure do i dream, or not :tongue:

When you find your Mum ask her that in your next dreams to remind you that you are dreaming! :lmao:

Sounds funny lol. Even if you did ask your mum, she probably would have said you aren’t dreaming…

Yeah, it is weird - you dont realise your dreaming until your positive you are. I remember talking on a chatroom about LDing (in my dream) but i wasn’t lucid.

Do an RC. The nose ones pretty popular/successful

i did… but when i woke up. lol