simply no more LDs... what gives?

I have hade a fair few LDs, the exact ammount of good ones is in my sig, but I used to have plenty of ones where I wake up as soon as I go lucid. I hav’nt even had a short one for ages, they have simply stopped, and I can’t remember any of my NDs anymore either. Is this because I am less motivated? Stress? More important thoughts?

Has anybody else had this?

less motivated and stress could be the cause, allso you shouldn’t get TOO excite dwhen you find out your lucid, and do you keep a DJ? if not you should

Perhaps you are just having a dry period Ruzzy, i’ve had a few where I did not have a LD for weeks and weeks

Also, I agree with sirus as well, you should try and keep a DJ or as soon as you wake take a few seconds to try and remember your dreams, this should help your dream recall a lot :content: … as it could be that you are having LD’s, its just that your forgetting them when you wake up …

good luck Ruzzy :content:

prolly it’s the same as it is for me, during the xmas vacation i didnt have time to practice LDing and now after the vacation i have to get up pretty early in the morning so that messed my dream-cycle quite up -> no more LDs in the beginning.

With some adaption im sure it will work for you again and u will experience LDs again after all. Im just starting to have a good dream recall again and some short LDs; not long till the fun begins again i thing :wink:

Anyway, good luck! :smile:

Cut back on the stress and get a good bed time. Indulge in media that motivates you wether it be music, movies, telelvision, etc.

Keep a dream journal! If you have an AC waking you up, set it 5 minutes later from the time you are supposed to wake up. Then intend on awakening before your AC goes off. This will give you time to remember your dreams as you awaken.

Will having a DJ actually help me have more LDs? I have an AC that is really loud and pretty scary when it sounds. Could it be because I have been in school for 3 weeks? Homework can stress you a lot, even just the worry of forgetting something. Somehow year 9 is heaps easier than year 8.

thanks all! :content:

ofc having a DJ helps a lot, it mainly helps you to remember your dreams which helps you to detect your dreamsigns, this way u will remember you are dreaming when u see that dreamtime the next time :wink:

Sounds like a dry spell to me :yes:
What I like to do in this case is stop trying to lucid dream for a few weeks, and just forget about dream recall and reality checks and all that stuff for a while. Then, try again in a few weeks, and your dream recall will probably come back very fast. You may even have a lucid dream during your break without even trying!8D

Definitely a nice little dryspell…

I would suggest starting right from the beginning. From writing in a DJ to doing constant RCs.

Yeah, I agree with Josh and Iluminada, just a dryspell. Taking a break for at least a week helps a lot. If that doesn’t work, start from the beginning.

Stress impairs dream recall too, so remember that that’s also a factor.

Thanks for the music idea, it worked great, I remembered my ND easy as pie. There wasn’t exactly enough to put into a DJ. I’ll start a DJ when I get a decent recall. Before, I meant does a DJ actually encourage better recall in future dreams? :grin:

I’ll share with you my experience…

When I thought my LDs were constant enough, I stopped putting my NDs into my DJ and just only put LDs. Wadda you know! After I did that, my LDs became less and less frequent over the span of only 2 weeks!

And after that, I had a dry spell for the whole month of January. I suppose school also contributes to this, as it took me a long time to get the hang and reorganise my sleep and schedules.

But just remember! Dream recall is the MOST ESSENTIAL thing to LD! Right now, I have a LD about every week or so…

If it makes you feel any better I had 4 last night. :smile:

You’re a genious, twister.
btw, darxide, how long have you been LDing to get 4 in a night? :content:

I’m in a bit of a dry spell myself. We’ll get over it, I’m sure.

For improving dream recall, I’m going to create a mix of music for my computer to play in the middle of the night to wake me up gently, probably with my voice saying stuff like “time to slowly wake up…” and “keep your eyes closed and remember where you just were…” The idea is to slowly wake me up during an REM period so I’ll remember the dream. My recall has been very impaired the last couple of days. :sad:

Shit happens, I guess. That’s a pretty good idea with the pc, I don’t have a computer in my bedroom though :cry:.