sinking in bed

hey everyone

I wasnt a huge fan of WILD because… first, I had a scary experience a long time ago, about 2 years ago, not a big deal but for a beginner was kinda scary. anyways, it never really worked for me either, until now and its because I was doing alot of things wrong. all this time Ive stuck to MILD and a few other techniques Ive managed to come up with, not really sure if they have been invented by anyone here though

but anyways, yesterday i tried WILD, and while I was concentrating on my breathing, I immediately started to get some really weird ideas, nothing made sense, my mind was sort of “forming” images, and they all led to another image and so on, but again, completely senseless, anyways, at this point, my body felt extremely heavy and was feeling tickling all over my body, mostly arms, and legs. then I felt like I was sinking in bed, like if something was sucking me down, pretty cool actually, but at that point I didnt know what else to do, am I supposed to keep concentrating on sinking in the bed? or is there something else I should do? I noticed also that when I thought of the sinking I would sink even faster.

so thanks for the help, Im really starting to like wild.

:yes: you just keep on concentrating on the images forming, and let yourself sink :smile: Stay aware of the sensation and you’ll end up in a LD.

what happened this time? did you wake up or drift into sleep?

Nice! Good work, Saori.

I have had sinking or floating sensations as I’m getting into lucid dreams as well. Sometimes it feels as if I’m being pulled from my body. Going with it does bring you into a LD :smile: Good luck!

Im not very experienced in WILD so I just opened my eyes to see if I was in a dream but turned out I was there lying in bed. I guess I shouldnt have opened them and just focused on the weird images. I have to say though I really enjoyed the images, I mean its going to be easy to focus on them, its fun to see all the weird forms your mind can create out of nothing.

just wondering though, after I keep focusing on ther images and on the sinking, how will I know when I enter a dream? will I all of a sudden appear in a dream scenario?

You should let yourself be ‘drawn’ into the dream, rather than try to enter it, or open your eyes to see where you are. If you maintain your awareness, you should eventually find yourself in a full blown dream, and be able to start moving around and interacting with your environment without any ill effects.

sounds like it could be an OBE rather than a LD

i have the sinking sensation as well but i cant focus on the images. Eventually i give up. ill try harder tonight.

Wierd. I get the reverse. A floating sensation.

depends how you look at it…i guess you could transfer the feeling into sinking or floating

I think that everyone has something different. I get a feeling like I’m spinning around in all different directions, but I never get the floating or sinking.