I’ve seen this as the topic of many discussions. people asking people how they can do certain things in LDs. I think we should start a group of posts dealing directly with this. If you are unable to perform one of the many cool things others can do in LDs leave a post here and people who are good at that particulare skill can reply with some advice on possible appraoches to “pulling it off” in ur LD. So i guess just post away
well, i really don’t know how to fly. it would be great thing to do, but i wasn’t very good at it. actually, i have tried it only twice in LD, but i was so bad at it, that few tips would be great. i tried to fly by jumping out of the window, but i only fell gently to the ground. i tried it again, and same thing. so… any ideas?
Claudia: I only managed to fly in a lucid dream once. What I did them, was start leaping forward several times. What happens then, is that the leaps gets bigger for every jump, and in the end you jump so high that you just end hanging in the air
The same kind of thing happened to me. I was doing a RC (one I never do IRL) by jumping but I seemed to hang in the air a bit longer than normal, and was not convincing. I then became lucid and I just floated up out of habbit, yet I still ended up walking around in the dream. In another I was flying outside and I thought flying requires concentration, and I slowly fell on my knees. The only thing I can say is believe and expect, and never doubt.
Yes wut pilot said is important. You cannot doubt urself when attempting things lik flying in lucid dreams. Dont think about not being able to do it or even think about how u ARE going to do it. Just have faith and take of. If i dont work try plan B. this alway works for me. First of all if u do get in the air and u are flying dont look straight down at the ground below u. It tends to mess u up and makes u feel directed to go there then u do lose flying. Keep ur mind clear and look straight ahead or even at the groud thats way out infront. Now if ur havig trouble lifting off. Just run and jump or just jump and look in the air or have r eyes closed when u do it. and just imagine ur body becoming really really light and imagine a feelig of softness and weightlessness all over ur body and believe that ur flying up and dont let the thought of ur feet hitting the ground again happen or they will. Thats the bet advice i can give u as a pro of flying so i hope it works.
I think i’ve said this in another post, but I’ll say it again. If you want to know how to do something in an LD ask a dream charater how, then just do what they say. It usually works quite well for me, even though some of the techniques are a bit strange.