Sleep/Dream Patterns

Does any1 that keeps a dream journal notice patterns. Like any type. Cus i started keeping one after i started commin here and one thing i noticed was on the fourth night (after starting training) I had a lucid dream, Four nights after that which was this morning i had another. And non in between those 2. Ofcourse it may be to early to tell if this is a pattern but as any1 been keepin a journal for long and has any noticible patterns of any kind.

I have a weekly pattern of lucidity during the weekends, but i think this is just probably due to the fact that i can stay in bed a little longer and get a much higher chance of WILD, as my time schedule keeps me from getting to the REM-rich period of 7+ hours of sleep a night :sad:

however, I have a more noticeable pattern in the type of dreams i have. Vividness seems to peak on about a 5 day cycle and around once every 20-30 days i have a dream in nearly total darkness (i.e. even the sun looks very dim and grainy). Usually it is accompanied with a feeling of an “evil” presence, though not nightmarish. Apart from that, there is no other real pattern in my dreams…

hope this was of some help! :smile: