Since most Lucid dreams occur during REM, this is interesting stuff for the people who practise the WBTB method:
Spontaneous sleep interruptions during extended nights. Relationships
with NREM and REM sleep phases and effects on REM sleep regulation
Giuseppe Barbato*, Charles Barker, Charles Bender, Thomas A. Wehr
Section on Biological Rhythm, NIMH, Bethesda, MD, USA - Accepted 6 March 2002
Objectives: There is no agreement in the literature as to whether sleep interruption causes rapid eye movement (REM) pressure to increase, and if so, whether this increase is expressed as shortened REM latency, increased REM density, or increased duration of REM sleep. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of different durations of spontaneous sleep interruptions on the regulation of REM sleep that occurs after return to sleep.
Methods: The occurrence of spontaneous periods of wakefulness and their effects on subsequent REM sleep periods were analysed in a total sample of 1189 sleep interruptions which occurred across 364 extended nights in 13 normal subjects.
Results: Compared with sleep interruptions that last less than 10 min, sleep interruptions that last longer than 10 min occur preferentially out of REM sleep. In both the short and long types of sleep interruptions, the duration of REM periods that ended in wakefulness were shorter than the duration of those that were not interrupted by wakefulness. REM densities of the REM periods that terminated in periods of wakefulness were higher than those of uninterrupted REM periods. The proportion of episodes of wakefulness following REM sleep that were long-lasting progressively increased over the course of the extended night period. The sleep episodes that followed the periods of wakefulness were characterised by a short REM latency. REM duration was increased in episodes that followed long sleep interruptions compared to those that followed short sleep interruptions. REM density did not appear to change significantly in the episodes that followed sleep interruption.
Conclusions: REM sleep mechanisms appear to be the main force controlling sleep after a spontaneous sleep interruption, presumably because during the second half of the night, where more sleep interruptions occur, the pressure for non-rapid eye movement sleep is reduced and the circadian rhythm in REM sleep propensity reaches its peak. Processes promoting REM sleep at the end of the night are consistent with the Pittendrigh and Daan dual oscillator model of the circadian pacemaker. q 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
December 2, 2002, 2:50pm
“Compared with sleep interruptions that last less than 10 min, sleep interruptions that last longer than 10 min occur preferentially out of REM sleep. In both the short and long types of sleep interruptions, the duration of REM periods that ended in wakefulness were shorter than the duration of those that were not interrupted by wakefulness”.
Umm,im not sure if i got it right.So it means that sleeping without interruptions gives us longer Rem periods?
It means sponaneous sleep interruptions that last longer than 10 minutes mostly occur during NREM sleep. The interruptions shorter than 10 minutes, mostly in REM.
In both long and short interruptions the REM periods you wake up from are shorter than the ones you do not wake up from.
So it only has an effect to the REM period previous to waking up.