a few days ago i first found out about lucid dreaming and decided someday i would try WILD, but i didnt really read the instructions that well…
this morning i woke up at 8:00, then stayed up for about half an hour and decided to try it. i became very relaxed and self hypnotized myself (ive known how to do this for a while) then i repeated “I am going to have a lucid dream” I then turned to the side and started concentration on images in my head (almost like little movies?) then i lost consciousness it seemed like for a few minutes.
when i woke up there was tingling in my legs that spread around and my whole body was vibrating. I heard some kind of pulsing sound.
I wasn’t really scared as much as suprised, but since I had no idea what to do next I tried to wake myself up. this didnt work, and i lost consciousness again for a few seconds. I woke up and the vibrations were more than before. I tried to move my hand but it only moved about a half an inch. I then woke myself up
now heres my question: What do i do next to enter a lucid dream, and was this really sleep paralysis (im almost sure it was)? thx for any help
I think you are experiencing SP interrupted by periods of losing focus. From my experiences I would recommend just detaching yourself from your physical senses and concentrate on counting or whatever you do to stay focused. Yes you will feel weird things, but you have to do your best to put that out of your mind and embrace(not struggle against) the transition. Most of all, don’t let your heartrate and excitement run wild. This ruins the process.
If done correctly, you will approach a junction. You should start to feel light or sinking(it’s different for everyone), the previously felt vibrations will quickly melt away and you will either lose it or enter a dream state. It is hard to describe what a successful transition feels like, maybe passing through a curtain of silk and becoming extremely comfortable(no hunger, thirst, itches, head aches, blinking, or sometimes even breathing). Once you reach this point you will have to experiment. Some people visualize a situation, others create a launch point like a room with a door or something, I mostly just stay focused and allow a random setting to appear.
Just practice it and you will create your own routine. Hope this helps.
It does sound like you reached SP.
From SP i enter dreams consciously like 80% of the time. The hard part for me is getting to the SP state.
What i do once i reach SP: I either visualize the action of getting out of my bed as in the tactile sensation of getting of my bed. I do this over and over until i actually feel my dreambody. The other and easier method i use, is to visualize the feeling of walking and then soon after i actually feel like i am really walking around and then vision fades in soon after.
It usually takes only like 1 minute or so to get into a lucid dream from SP by using these methods.
I usually only visualize the tactile sensations and not images.
Its what you make it, I can visualize something holding around me when i go to sleep, only to make me feel more safe, but if you really try it, it isn’t as creepy as you would think, it rather just feel great, the SP which i experienced last night, felt good, its like your whole body isn’t attached to yourself. The sounds is what sometimes delays the whole process for me, cause its soo weird But when i get over the sounds, it’s really awesome
MILD is just waaaaaay easier. But it’s harded to say which DILDs are caused by MILD, and which one came naturally. By MILD, you give in small amount of work, and you are getting pretty nice results. WILD needs load of work, to keep consciousness, dont move, keep youself not excited. However, in MILD you can olny hope it to work this time, WILD will give or not give a LD according to amount of your work.
A word about the technqiues, MILD isn’t easier in the sense that making a lay-up is easier than making a three pointer. However, it can be easier for certain people depending primarily on how quickly you fall alseep. WILD tends to be much easier for people who fall asleep quickly because they don’t have to wait in the bed for hours to get SP.
Yes WILD is not inherently harder then MILD, or any other tech. It is just that if you have trouble falling asleep, and can’t, or are not willing to do WBTB, then WILD is very hard. If you have already done relaxation techs. or meditation, then you have some expeance in relaxing that makes WILD easyer. I would say that you should try to make it as easy as posable when you first start trying to LD. Later you can try more difficult things. WILD with WBTB can be easy if you can fall asleep fast, and can control your awake mind and asleep body well. If it takes hours for you to fall asleep, then WILD will take hours. If you can’t walk the thin line between relaxing your body so that it will go to sleep, and keeping your mind awake, then WILD will be lots of work.
If you can get to HH, whatever type of HH you have visual, auditory or somatic, then you just have to learn how you can get through that. It is different for differnt people. I always have a short blackout, then I am in a dream and know it. Others enter the dream from the HH state. Others roll out of their body. HH is the first big step. Getting through it to the dream state is the second big step. Then you are in an LD.
You have gotten to HH, so you are about half way there, now you just have to make the second step.