Sleep paralysis while doing a WILD


This morning I woke up after I had slept for only a few hours, about 6, but had plenty of time to sleep left. :smile:
Actually when I woke up I was only “half-awake”. I hadn’t thought about lucid dreams for a long time. I felt I was falling asleep, but I realized I was awake while doing so. And quickly regained full consciousness.

Anyway, as soon as I realized I was falling asleep but was still ‘awake’, I got this strange feeling all over my body, and I started hearing voices and weird sounds. This scared me, so I opened my eyes. Everything around me looked blurry. It quickly hit me that I was in the middle of a sleep paralysis… this had never happend to me before.

I don’t know why, but it really scared me. But it wasn’t really a sense of an evil presence. I was for some reason very scared someone would find me, or that I wouldn’t get out of it … I more or less paniced for no reason. :cool:

So now I tried to move… I remember I didn’t try to scream, but I tried to remain calm and tried to swallow, but couldn’t. I could breathe normally, however. Anyway, I tried to move… but I could only lift my right arm, it was like paralyzed from the elbow and lower. I noticed that the strange feeling disappeared from my arm as I lifted it. And I tried to stretch it higher and that managed to get off more of the paralyzation.

Then it was over. And it was awesome! :cool: … Well atleast I think so now.

But I wonder, I admittedly don’t know whether this was a dream or whether it was hallucinated. So I wonder if any of you know. I’m about 70% sure they were hallucinations though. It felt so real.

Has anyone else had this? :smile: Oh and… could I have gotten a WILD from this if I hadn’t tried so hard to get out of it?

Trust me, the “Old Hag” is something you want to experience atleast once in life, even though it may be immensely scary. It’s just so cooled to have experienced anything like it. I’m kind of crazy though, so you may not agree. :smile:

Yeah that was a “nice” SP :content: . It wasn’t a Old hag, since you didn’t see anything.

SP is not automatically associated with the Old Hag, you know…

And since you seem to master it, you can use it to enter a LD next time, just don’t panic, focus on one member at the time, get out of the paralysis and enjoy your LD. :grin:

It was, indeed, a dream, things can look VERY realistic during SP, but it is only hallucinations… :smile:

I have practiced WILD numerous times (lying motionless for about 2 hours each time), and after an hour or so my body would become heavy and numb, but I could still move when I gave up on the hope of becoming lucid. I have also awakened from REM sleep but have never felt my body in sleep paralysis, and I know that one is supposed to be in SP when one dreams.

This brings me to a question: does everyone experience sleep paralysis?

I think you could have easily entered a lucid dream if you did not break out of it. The trick is to imagine a scene in that state or visualize for example the physical action of getting up of your bed and walking as vividly you can.

I usually use the latter method.
Soon after i start to visualizing the action of going out of my bed and the action of walking, i will actually start to feel the floor under my feet and this sensation becomes quickly as vivid as waking life and then my dream vision fades in as well and i will usually find myself in a dream enviroment similar to place where my physical body lies.

Delirium, I never experienced SP neither. Lots of people don’t experience it.

I was having SP when I was young too.

Now they are more rare because I get used to it.

At first they are very scary , like someone watching you or you think that you gonna die in your sleep but actually after a couple of time you love the sensation and trying to move a part of a body to awake is very fun I think. They are no danger , you awake fully after that.

I was wondering , did anybody here have done a SP followed by a FA . It would be scary.

I still wake up at least once a week with either my left of my right arm still paralized. After about 30sec it goes away, but I at least never had a SP followed by a FA.