I was telling my dad about lucid dreaming and what it was, and he gave me an interesting story: He said that during college he would be so worried about not getting up on time to make it class that he would have these dreams about it. He said he’d dream that he couldn’t move, not even his eyes, and that he’d have terrifying battles for what seemed hours on end of trying to move and look at the clock to make sure he wasn’t late for class. He’s convinced they were dreams simply because he had them almost every night of college, but I think they sound an awful lot like sleep paralysis. Can anyone shed some light on this argument?
My own experience show me that sleep paralysis is an intermediate state between the dream and the waking. I often felt like i was oscillating between the two but without being able to reach one.
Interesting… I haven’t had any experiences of my own so I’m having a hard time trying to imagine what it would be like to be neither awake nor asleep.
Yes sounds like sleep paralysis to me… Personally I’ve found that sleep paralysis sometimes causes a distorted perception of time: everything seems to happen much slower… this is probably a side-effect of the paralysis, but I don’t know if your dad had the same kind of experience.
In any case, I think that was definitely SP.
sounds like SP to me…
i like SP…
My mother always believed SP came from smoking too much. She told us if people OD on nicotine, they may wake up and not be able to move.
Hehe ! And my mom said if we played with matches or fire, we would pee in bed.
I had a dream, that was like Sleep paralysis I guess, it obviously wasnt SP because I was dreaming it… but it was still scary…
I was lying in my bed, in the dark, and I couldnt move, and In the darkness near my bed I could faintly see this alien, and it was just standing there, in my room, and I knew it was evil…
And I remember I was trying to scream so hard, but, I just couldnt for some reason, it was so weird, All I could do was make little whimpery noises lol, and then I woke up because a car drove past my house.
I checked my room for aliens after that dream lol, even though there obviously wouldnt be, but I was still half asleep so… blah…
Was it a lucid dream ?
lol, nope, just a normal dream, I shouldve realised though…
probably havent been doing enough RC’s IRL
Perhaps it was SP with intense HI?
Sounds like SP for your dad though Fixing. Not that everyone else hasnt already said that. Dont you notice that topics will always get responded to with someone saying something, then everyone else will follow behind adding nothing really to the convo but just stating the exact same thing as if they came up with it? Which they might have by themselves, im not saying anything against it, i mean i just did it right now. I just always find it funny. But i digress
i dont know if this is repeating but i never had an SP last more than 20 or 30 seconds… yor father sed it seemed like it lasted hours… for me not even seemingly…
ViperX’s dream sounded more like SP… cus wimper is almost all you can do wen in SP…
and i posted this b4 but, some think that SP is linked to ppl who think they’ve been visited by alien’s or alien encounters while asleep…
I was telling my dad about lucid dreaming and what it was, and he gave me an interesting story: He said that during college he would be so worried about not getting up on time to make it class that he would have these dreams about it. He said he’d dream that he couldn’t move, not even his eyes, and that he’d have terrifying battles for what seemed hours on end of trying to move and look at the clock to make sure he wasn’t late for class. He’s convinced they were dreams simply because he had them almost every night of college, but I think they sound an awful lot like sleep paralysis. Can anyone shed some light on this argument?
that’s happened to me an awful lot… it’s both SP and dreaming, the two are very inter-related.
some forms of SP can last hours, I mean last night most of my dreams were where i was just lying in bed… I had this sort of dream woman that everytime I’d “wake up” I’d just think of her and then i’d feel her against me and i’d be in a weird trance, i guess it was SP but I didn’t feel restricted or paralyzed or anything… and sometimes it would go into a dream about me sleeping but sometimes i’d just be in bed for what seems like, looking back on it, forever, but it went by fast enough while i was doing it.
i even eventually decided we should get up and do something.
but i mean it all started with me sleeping in class and this girl, i can’t remember who she was, but i liked her and she was from back in high shcool, she passed out and leaned up and was sleeping against me, and I was sleeping too.
sometimes I dream of sleeping a lot, but I guess since it’s a 3 day weekend and it’s weird to get more than 4-7 hours of sleep I’d certainly dream of being lethargic, wouldn’t I?
he would be so worried about not getting up on time to make it class […] trying to move and look at the clock to make sure he wasn’t late for class. […] sound an awful lot like sleep paralysis.
Wow! That is so extreme for your father. For me, when it came to being worried for school, not waking up… well, first of all I would have insomnia. Being afraid that I would not wake up, would lead me to not sleep. Then I would have so many dreams in a row that I just woke up and I am Late when I look at the clock.
This is common for alot of people I’m sure, but your father…Wow!
I hope I’m not being confusing, but it seems like your subconscious, in a way, works against you, in order to help you. Like when I’m concerned about getting sleep for something important in the morning, I will get insomnic.
Because the main thing in mind is the important thing in the morning. So my mind is like, " If you fall asleep, there is a chance you will wake up late and miss what is first important. So don’t fall asleep!"
And if I get overly concerned about being late. I will have numerous nightmarish dreams, of waking up, looking at the clock and realizing that I am so late!
Dreams like that suck, but my sleeping mind is just saying, “Be careful! This can happen! Don’t be late, or you will have stress like this!” Yet within that message, that dream ,you are stressing.
Oh no! I have rambled. But I hope I have shed at least a spark on this argument FixingFlare.
Oh, when will we gain control over our super complex subconsciuos mind!