What does this have to do with lucid dreaming?
How can I become lucid from sleep paralysis?
What does this have to do with lucid dreaming?
How can I become lucid from sleep paralysis?
I also wanted to ask the question, since I often get SPs in the weekend mornings. Let’s just hope the moderators won’t mistake this post for being about WILD, and lock it, as they tend to overreact on this forum
Ive noticed that sleep paralisis is differently felt by different people.Some feel it partially,from a thumb or a leg,some feel it through whole body.
Also effects can vary.
Anyways-SP for me is like huge strike of thick energy going through my entire body.I also feel very powerfull and hmm…mighty i guess.Its quite big,pleasant electricity shock.
If i feel it its allways by accident.Dont know why and when im gonna feel it.
Whenever its present i have(in my opinion)OBE out of it.And to your question: when the shock strikes i just think to myself"ohhh good,im gonna have ld/obe now"and within seconds im out.Somehow.Dont know how.I do nothing at all,mainly because i have no time to perform anything.I just fel that pleasure for few seconds and next thing i see is my room where i float.
Sorry ,cant describe it any better:(
I seen this documentary on sleep paralysis. People claimed that they were abducted by aliens or daemons from hell came to get them, but they soon found out that it was DP. Cuz u cant move (no duh) and the part of your brain that induces fear is hyper-active, so u think somethings there with u… Eeheheh i hope i never have sleep paralysis, or at least the bad kind
Jack…sure you are not talking about hypnagogic myoclonus?
Am i?heh dont know what it is:)
but im curious to know…