Sleep problems, please help

I have really bad sleep problems, some nights it takes me over 2 hours to get to sleep, is there anything I can do to help me get to sleep faster without taking pills?

Have you tried relaxation/meditation techniques?

there are a number of articles on if you type in insomnia has a bit on it
There are a number of relaxation exercises in various books also included in Stephen Laberge EWLD and Astral Dynamics has one really simple and effective one.
You can find out about meditation everywhere on the internet. One I can think of is
go outside, get fresh air, exercise, do something fun
good luck

Or find some accu pressure spots from an accu pressure book or site to calm you down before sleeping.
You could eat some bananas to, for the tryptophan…precursor of serotonin…neurotransmitter you need to fall a sleep. Also in turkey meat.
Fresh air and walk?

Good luck! :smile:


yep warm milk before bed is also good

Try focusing on your breathing