I’m having some problems sleeping that i havnt had before so i thought id post them in here and maybe i can get some positive feedback…
this happens every morning without fail now…
i wake up usually after my first dream at about 7-9am if i go to sleep around 12-3am…
everytime i try to get back to sleep, i always get anxious feelings down in my stomach and i can never get back to sleep…
so no matter whatever time i go to bed i get up after my first dream and i cannot get to go back to sleep…
this pisses me off in many ways firstly my first dream is nearly never lucid i have much success with picturing what i want then going back to sleep (which i cant do because of the trouble)
the only way i can go back to sleep is to have a smoke (not tobacco) it takes the edge off clears my mind and allows me to get back to sleep… it also takes my concentration off dreaming and lucid dreaming…
any suggestions? while it does not really “affect” me it is frustrating as i am tryin to lucid dream here and all i wanna do is get BACK to sleep so i can… (btw im still very tired its just these anxious buildups that make me rather wake up than try to sleep through them)
any ideas please ?
i thought id mention something else…
as i dont work till afternoons/nights i have ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD to sleep and to dream and to think about them and to concentrate about them - which i do…
but then to be denied sleep like this its such a bad feeling and i dont understand it…
this has been happening for 2 weeks, i started an interest in lucid dreaming about a week ago, the first night i started lucid dreaming i had a ld in my first dream, got back to sleep so fast, and kept waking up after dreams and going back to sleep…
thought i was cured, thats the only time in 2 weeks it HASNT happened…
the only way i can make them go away by myself is to completely clear my head concentrating on nothing (Sorta like meditating i guess) they go away but they come back as soon as i start thinking…
=> You could try meditation or relaxation techniques. Do a search on this site for meditation and you will find lots of good stuff.
=> When you do the WBTB method do not stay up too long. Just a few minutes at most. In fact if you do not have to don’t even get out of bed or even move. Practice MILD/WILD ( or what ever technique) as you go right back to sleep.
Good luck and happy dreams
dont spose youd have any clue as to why i feel that anxious rising feeling in the morning when i try and get back to sleep…
the feeling is enough to make me want to get up instead of trying to get back to sleeep…
when i get up and have a shower it goes away after a while…
(note: if anyone on here enjoys magic mushies, the feeling i feel is very similar to the slight nausea in the come up)