For all of those with more experience in this, I am building up my dream recall as of right now and I was wondering if going to bed earlier typically allows better dream recall. I am guessing that it does in corollate, but I would not mind some feedback from those with more experience. Thanks.
Going to bed earlier won’t change much if the amount of sleep remains the same. However, if you don’t change your waking hour, the increased amount of sleep will let you go through longer dream cycles. Every 90 minutes you go through such a dream cycle. The longer you sleep, the longer these cycles will become, thus the longer your dreams will be. So it’s reasonable that when you sleep longer, you will dream longer so there’s more chance of remembering a dream.
Also, if you know that you’re dreaming every 90 minutes, you can set an alarm clock to go off during a dream. So that’s 6, 7.5 or 9 hours after you fell asleep in the evening. Then you’ll make the best chance of remembering something.
Good luck
In my opinion, going to bed earlier has no effect on dream recall.
It allways helps for me. I think this is only beacause when I go to bed later the sunlight and the birds wake me up early and my efforts to try and get back to sleep cause me to forget about what I’d been dreaming of.
it doesnt really matter for me, but if you are planning on wbtb+wild it might be better to go to bed erlier so that you can have more sleep time for lucid dreaming and a better chance that you will get one.