So… Since I signed in on this forum, I am now trying to reintroduce myself to LD and practicing again after a break of 3 weeks or so. I made a post about my general experience about all this here : My general experience with trying to do Lucid dreams
To put it short, I’m not at all a frequent lucid dreamer, but I don’t give up on the idea I will become one. So after posting this (and getting some responses), it motivated me again to practice reality checks and induction techniques.
Reality checks aren’t a big deal at all. I’ve already did it a lot before, so it’s not really complicated to make them about 15 a day. I usually try to see my hand and see if they are weird or not, try to put my index through it, or pinches my nose and see if I still breathe. Sometimes, I do many of this at the same time. So I don’t think I have a problem with this.
However, my real problem (and the reason I am writing this post) is that I trouble practicing induction technique. The main ones I use are MILD and WILD (I maybe had to use FILD one time or another, but I don’t use it that much). This is a trouble that I have since the start, and I think it ruins my sleep time.
I will take the exemple of my experience last night. It was 11.30 PM I was lying down in bed with the intention of doing a MILD technique. With the advice of @Marvin, I tried relaxing meditation with a video I found on YouTube. It worked so far, I was feeling relaxed and I turned off my phone since the video was over and I have no reason to keep it turned on, it will produce light after all. So I slowly and carefully (to avoid exiting my relaxing state) turned off my phone and put it under my pillow (in which there was also a notebook and a pen) and then came back on a sleeping position. On the back and with both of my hands laid on my chest. And so, I said in my head repeatedly “I will be lucid tonight”. Simple mantra I repeated over and over, but as things progresses, I feel myself go to sleep, but as soon as I feel myself leave, I get like an increase in heart beat, I get excited, and then everything is ruined. I go back to the state before I started meditation, but I’m even more conscious. I’m more awake than ever in the day. And then… I got Insomnia. I just laid down in my bed, thinking about some concept I’m working on, last time I checked the clock before falling asleep, it was about 2 AM…
I rarely have sleep problem, it arrives sometimes to get insomnia, but this times, it was generally because of this kind of happening. I go to sleep between 11 PM and 1 AM and awake between 9 AM and 10 AM.
And the thing is it also happens with WILD! I arrives to lay still, I can see the hypnagogic forms forming in the darkness behind my eyelids. But at one time, my heart goes in overdrive and am unable to sleep like if it never happened.
Why does this keep happening to me? is this because I’m getting to excited the moment before I sleep? Do I see my sleep state coming? If yes, then what can I make to stay the most relaxed? Or maybe it’s something else… Idk.
I need your advices because it could help me, not only for my LD practice, but for my sleep in general. Thanks in advance for your answers.