sleeping cycles

im confused about sleeping cycles. I have been trying to use a combination of WILD and WBTB, and have been setting my alarm clock to wake me up, but i dont know which times after going to sleep are optimum to wake up at for LDing. People say the dream cycles last an hour an a half, how far through this should i wake up if it matters?

Hey DavidYarrow,

For a succesful WBTB + WILD you dont need to wake up exactly at a REM period. What helps though, is waking up at a time you have as much REM as possible, but are still somewhat sleepy. For most people this is around 6 hours of sleep (give or take 1 hour or so). You should experiment what works best for you, good luck with it!

Althought it might take a little time. I suggest trying to develop the ability to wake back to bed without an alarm. I was using an alarm for awhile, and that just seems to annoy me to the point where I want to sleep more.

When I learned to wake up in the middle of the night by myself, it was natural and much more relaxed. And the ability to fall back to sleep was easier because I wouldn’t even have to get out of bed.