Sleeping in Dreams

Can You Sleep in a dream?
I read in a thread that he slept for 10 hours but in his dream was there for two days and two nights and i was wondering. Can you sleep in a dream? What happens when you go to sleep? do you wake up instantly in the dream world?

Its sort of like the dream within a dream, although you can’t use it to prolong dream length. there is actually something very frustrating called an FA as well.

As for lots time in dreams here is an explanation of what usually happens. Say there is a one mile sidewalk, you’ll be on one end and then “skip” down to the other end and automatically assume it took about 10 minutes to walk it. Veyr much like the concept in movies where an actor goes to sleep at night an then the clock says 8:00 you assume that a night has passed even though you know that it hasn’t

But does that mean you can have an ld in a ld?
also how long does these dreams in dreams last? cause I would Rather explore my own dreamworld that go to sleep in my dreamworld.

I suppose you could go to slepe in LD but it wouldn’t really be a dream within a dream, it would be just a dream. As far as length you could probably have a dream up to 70 minutes .(Length of a very long REM period.)

Cool Thz Lucidity Master

I’ve had a LD in a ND. It was probably a false LD, but I don’t know for sure cause the recall was pretty hazy.

cool Thz Lucidity_Master and huggkruka.

In my experience, going to sleep inside an LD instantly wakes me up, as sleep is a ‘withdrawal from the world’, and sleep within a dream would be a withdrawal from the dreamworld.

However I also have encountered the annoying phenomenon of waking up if my eyes are closed in an LD for longer than a blink. This leads to me wandering around my LDs reminding myself to not close my eyes for any reason.

I’ve had LD’s in ND’s too. For instance, I’ve dreamt that I was in my bed and I deciced to WILD and it worked. Some dreamers on the forum managed to have a imbricated LD by going to sleep in their LD.

Basilus, that’s a thought, if someone could incubate a dream in which you performed WILD I would think there would be a high success rate because you’d already be dreaming and could have HI and a dream scene really fast.

I think it would be like imagining that your having a dream inside your dream but not realy…My theory on it is confuzing. :confused: :confused: :eh:

It’s faster than you think. You don’t need to get HI. You just try to go out of your body and you immediatly have an OBE. :happy:This happened twice to me cause I wanted so much to WILD and had no success that I dreamt about that.

But yes indeed, it could be a method.

If you are going to the trouble of remembering to WILD in a dream, why not remember to RC first?
whats the point, just induce a dream where you RC

I beliebe that is Pedro’s method that he called VILD. I suggested the WILD thing because people tend to not belive RC’s even when they perform them, it seems to me that if you WILD’ed in a dream you would become lucid, just seemed a little more foolproof.