Sleeping location affecting lucidity?

Has anyone experienced an increase or decrease in LDs that was influenced by where you were sleeping?

My last two LDs have taken place within the past month while visiting my parents’ home and sleeping in the attic bedroom that was mine when I lived at home.

Perhaps being able to sleep late there was a factor, but that also was the bedroom where I first had LDs while in college. Also, both LDs were my “favorite” kind – one in which I flew, the other in which I was exploring “other rooms” that don’t actually exist in RL.

Any similar experiences? Perhaps the “energies” of other locations are more conducive to LDs.

This is a very very intersting subject. Which I have some personal experience with.

After learning about lucid dreaming, I went about a week and a half without a lucid dream. One night I stayed at my girlfriend’s house for some reason. I don’t remember why though.

That night I had my first lucid dream ever. I have slept there a few times since and had vivid dreams, but no other lucid dreams.

I have no idea if there is any connection.

I think it can affect a person.

We all have sleep rituals that we follow. We sleep where we are comfortable sleeping and where we are used to sleeping. When you change that your sleep ritual is changed, affecting your relaxation. To lucid dream, in my opinion, one must almost always bee relaxed. New surroundings can change that for whatever reason. See what I mean?

I had more LD’s when I lived with my parents. I still have a fair amount, but no more natural ones :sad:

I have some experience with this situation quite often. I am 14 and I sleep over at friend’s houses most of the time. Whenever I sleep over I have an amazing jump in my dream recall. Sometimes I have short lucid dreams as well.

My theory is that sleeping in a certain place will affect your dreams.

i guess it DOES affect the LDs…

f.e. Before i knew what LD is, i had 2 ld’s. I was sleeping in my cousin’s rented apartament 2 nights, and both nights i had pretty detailed and full of control and fun LDs… and i think my bed is not good for LDing somewhy ;(

Seems like sleeping somewhere besides your own bed may enhance lucidity. Perhaps it increases your brain’s alertness somehow, which may translate into heightened ability to LD.

When I sleep somewhere else, sometimes I get many LD’s, I guess my bed is not a good place to LD…
Some factors that could be significant:
– of course length of sleep :smile:
– attitude, how much you like the place; also just sleeping in other place than your usual can help
– temperature - the lower the better, 'cause you sleep lighter
– noise - not sure, for me noise isn’t good, but some ppl get more LD’s
– fresh air, I seem to have better recall when it’s not too dry
– “energies”? I don’t believe in anything external like that, I would just say it’s the attitude factor.

I noticed that too. When I don’t sleep in my bed, (at friend’s home, or at my parent’s, for instance) I’m more likely to have a “natural” LD.