Sleeping Positions


I was wondering if there are any particular sleeping positions that are helpfull to gaining lucidity. I know I should read that Tibetian book of Dreaming as I have heard they have particular positions. But I would like to know if anyonw has knowledge of any Tibetian methods or of there on personal positions which help them.

THanx :wink:

Okay I’m new but I think whichever position is most comfortable to you I guess :eh: I always sleep in a comfortable position and whenever I do that I have good dreams/LD.

I sleep on my stomach or my side, and I don’t think that either of these positions have a large or even direct effect on the amount of lucid dreams I have.

I don’t know why, but when I awake from a dream, I always seem to be lying on my right. I also find that this is the most comfortable position to fall asleep in. I haven’t had enough lds to say whether this is the ‘right way’ to sleep to have them.
I do, however recall my dreams better lying on my right.

I think you might find the position that you sleep in is purely a personal thing which will vary from person to person?