Sleeping Trouble

I’ve been trying to lucid dream for a few months now and I’ve been lucid once or twice, but I think one thing holding me back from lucid dreams is the time it takes me to get to sleep.

Some nights it takes me 4 hours to get to sleep, which can really mess my sleep pattern up. Can taking ages to get to sleep effect my dreaming and my ability to lucid dream? :confused:

^^~ I think, as long as you’re able to get at least 8 hours of sleep, how long it takes you to do it shouldn’t affect you much.

If it affects your concentration though, that might be a problem…

Good luck!


Ooh right thanks :grin: I’ve got a new sleeping method now and it actually helps, I mention it in my DJ if you want to see.

Very cool! I’m glad you got something that works for you ^^~
I couldn’t really find it, though XD

Happy to know you’ve seemed to fix it :D~ Sleep is very important…~ Time is Invaluable.