SleepWalking (to this far?)

Ok i had a sleepwalking today… i think is my first one and i think is due to this LD/OBE practices (but i don’t care about it).

Ok here it is:

I arrived home from college and went straight to my parent’s bed (sometimes i consider it more comfortable). I went to sleep… have a dream which a friend of mine was telling me that every single movement changes things in distant places, blah blah blah… and “Slowpoke” the pokemon was walking down the street with purple waves around him.

When i woke up i was laying down in my actual bed and i was wondering how did i get here…and i said “did i sleepwalked?”. I asked my mom and she tell me that i got up from bed and i went to my bed. But the strange thing is that i even turned on my computer use it and went to sleep without even knowing it. I was completely asleep yet with wide opened eyes? this is weird.

Any answer to this?

i tend to sleepwalk sometimes too, but i have never turned on my computer when i was, i have said stuff that do remember like my mom would come in and i dont remember anything she or me said.

i dont really have an awnser to this, so i guess the only awnser is that you were sleep walking

Yeah… it is my first time (that i know of).
My brother used to sleepwalked sometimes and i think he still do. He used to talk weird/nonsense things when i shared bed with him several years ago.

thanks for help

It sounds like a usual case of sleepwalking.

A friend’s uncle use to have a problem with “Sleep eating.”
He would wake in the middle of the night, go to the fridge, grab tons of food, and take the food back to bed and eat it all.
He was already overweight, and this wasn’t good for his diet. Also, he would sometimes go to the children’s room by mistake, and sit on their bed “sleep eating” while snoring!! Needless to say, this really scared the kids.

It became so bad, that they consulted doctors, but the doctors didn’t take is seriously. So some family members video taped him, and had footage of him standing and hugging the fridge while snoring. This got their attention.

The guy’s health has still declined, but he has since stopped sleep eating.

Thanks for sharing that story, Dreamaddict. :rofl:

Hey DreamAddict!

Thanks for reading my sleepwalking story!

Im sorry for that guy that had “eating problems”.

Don’t you think that “sleepwalking” is a sleeping disorder that needs to be controlled?

Also it is dangerous, my mom told me that one of his brothers (when child) went out the house while sleepwalking and almost got lost.  Doctors have to take this problem seriously because who knows? it can lead to death, yeah death;  you can have one sleepwalker jump out the window, remember a sleepwalker make dumb things apart from stupid talking.

I personally find it quite amazing how sleepwalkers can act intelligently whilst asleep.

You know, like turning on the computer, opening doors etc.

And what I find hilarious is how stupid they can be (for some reason, taking a sleep-pee in the fridge is quite common…).

Doesn’t sleep walking take place during nREM? Meaning it had nothing to do with LD’ing/OBE’ing or that ND you put up :wink:.

I’m pretty sure I remember hearing that Sleep Walking happens during nREM, which may be why most people don’t remember it or have it match up with their dreams. I’ve never sleepwalked, as I can remember, but for those that do and are possibly in danger of hurting themselves in some form, I’m sure they take some precautions to avoid that, like locking doors or putting locks on other things (ie. refrigerators) to prevent something bad from happening.

I remember sleep-talking on two occasions (that ppl have told me), but they’ve both been in response to someone talking to me.

Sleepwalking is kind of being a zombie the only difference is that you’re living and that you look the same(and that you aren’t dangerous, you are in danger.)

One or two episodes of sleep walking in your lifetime shouldn’t make you worry. I think it’s common for people to experience it at some age in life.

If you see that it persist then you may want to seek some help.

I would like to sleep walk once, just to see what it would be like waking up talking to appliances that I thought were DCs.

ROTFLMAO @ your story DreamAddict! :happy:

I remember two of my freinds telling me that when they went camping, they woke up and found that they’d swapped sleeping bags in their sleep…