
moved from pathways to stuff, since this topic is about recall and not a method to become lucid :moogle:
I was curious if anyone might know whether or not smoking tobacco inhibits dream recall in any way? I know the negative effects of other smoked plants such as marijuana on dream recall, but i have never seen anything about tobacco.

I say this because since i have been smoking more tobacco, my dream recall has been slipping… maybe there is a connection?

I do NOT condone the use of any said substances, i was merely asking out of curiosity

not being a smoker myself … I would think from second hand reports that the first thing you will eventually think about in the mornings is that first cigarette. So as soon as you move and light up … all the dreams will prob vanish from your memory.

i smoke fairly often and haven’t had any problem with dream recall or lucidity, but hey, thats just me.

Neurologically: nicotine increases your memory and I’d guess that applies to dream recall. On the other hand, it might be that nicotine, like caffeine, disturbs your sleep cycle in such a way that its beneficial effects to memory are negatively compensated by the damage it does to your sleep and dreams. It all depends on how much you smoke and at what times, and since I’m no doctor and this is all guesswork, I’ll stop here. If you feel it’s influencing negatively, try stopping :spinning:P) or smoking the last cigarette way earlier than the time you go to bed (stop smoking about two hours before sleep) so that you can see how it works for you when you’re not under influence.

Also, many of the other components of cigarettes and nicotine itself are chemically addictive, so as Moogle pointed out you will probably wake up thinking about the first cigarette (although that’s not necessarily so).

Physiologically: if said you smoke, so you probably know how awful waking up can be to a smoker—as soon as you stand, you start coughing that gross dark mucus and it gets hard to concentrate in remembering anything.

Warning: gross fact of the day under the spoiler. Read it on your own risk.

[spoiler]This is due to the fact that there’s an involuntary movement in the trachea that pushes the mucus up the trachea and down your esophagus so that it won’t pile up inside your lungs. As it happens, nicotine stops that pushing movement, so the mucus slides down to the lung. When you sleep, that mucus solidifies because you’re in a still position, so when you wake up, that lot of dark solid mucus breaks into particles that go to your bronchi and make you choke. The mucus is dark because of the tar it was supposed to protect your lungs from.

By the way, I haven’t heard of anyone who died because of mucus on the lungs because of smoking (people die of mucus on the lungs, sure, but because of a genetic disease; what I’m saying is—as far as I’m aware of, smoking won’t get you in such a serious situation), so you will probably not be the first to die of that, the worst that can (and will) happen is that your lung capacity will be reduced, but when you start smoking you are aware of that, so no news here. Just don’t worry about choking to death or anything, that’s hardly the case here. :smile:[/spoiler]
Thus, whenever you smoke before going to sleep, you will have the smoker’s cough when you wake up, and it’s seriously hard to focus on dream or anything else when you’re choking and coughing like that.

You said your recall has been sleeping and you’re worried it could be tobacco. All I did here was pull plausible explanations. It is possible, though, that the bad recall is not due to tobacco—if it was, I gave you the possible causes, but I’m no doctor or researcher so I can’t tell you for sure if that’s why your recall has been slipping.

I told you to try smoking the last cigarette earlier. What I said nicotine does, in the spoiler, only wears off about five hours after you smoked the last one (it actually won’t wear off completely for over a day, but the movement comes back after five hours and slowly gets to it’s normal pace again), so you won’t get rid of the physiological thing unless you completely stop smoking at least five and a half hours before you go to bed and in that case you might as well stop completely.

The neurological causes, on the other hand, you might get rid of by smoking the last cigarette about two hours before sleep, which is something more realistic to a smoker’s point of view and something I strongly recommend you to experiment with.

That cough thing sounds horrible. I used to smoke and I never experienced anything like it. I also used to use Snuff. The kind you put under your lip, and subcategory of that is the little bags. I could sleep with one of those in my mouth. And I noticed that it seemed to help me remember dreams. But I stopped doing that because it’s caused brown droolstains and I thought it was too bad for my health. Also one time I woke up because I was chewing on one, it didn’t break but it could have. And you don’t wanna be in that situation, believe you me.

I’m a smoker and the only time I wake up in the middle of the night and start coughing is when I am awaken by me coughing. The need for a cigarette in the morning is not so great that I have to get out of bed and go smoke one, I can lay there just fine until I get up, then I will go smoke a cigarette. I don’t see where being a smoker negatively or positively affects your dreaming.

I did make a post about using a cigarette as a dream sign for becoming lucid when trying to quit. When I am quitting I dream smoke, and so when I thought about smoking in RL I would do a RC with the hopes of when I actually light one in my dream I would become aware; started smoking again before I could really try it out for more than a night or two.

it’s a very good thing to be able to breathe and have healthy lungs

there are a lot of ways to go about having a great life, gradual suffocation…? for what?

a buzz?

sentence removed…please read the posting guidelines :cool: green tea makes you feel excellent, alert, and has numerous health benefits, is a stimulant and a relaxant at the same time, and encourages alpha wave production.

the occasional caffeine is alright.

perpetual asphyxiation that you can’t escape from is not worth it!

you can even vaporize if you want to! If someone said want to smoke tobacco and die miserably, or want to vaporize tobacco and have much better odds of survival, why choose smoking?

I’m not a smoker, but… I’m still going to say that smoking is horribly bad for your recall and it’ll keep getting worse the more you smoke, in an effort to motivate you to give up the disgusting habit.


I don’t mean to be crass, but there’s no need to preach the dangers of smoking. We know.

Back on topic-

I notice that the first cigarette I crave is usually at least half an hour after I get out of bed.

Here’s what I was thinking- since a smoker’s brain is uncomftorable without neurons, is it possible this would cause additional stress and prevent you from focusing on techniques during sleep? I think I would forget to do a RC, for example, if I heard a family member was in the hospital.

I don’t know if this is just for me or not, but after about 3 years of heavy smoking my dream recall was compleatly lost. It got so bad that I had convinced myself I could no longer dream like a normal person and would break down in tears every morning I woke up without a dream. I recently quit smoking (as of Oct. 3rd '06) and about a month after quitting I was slowly starting to remember dreams again, even though I was still small edit drinking. Needless to say I was overjoyed, and came to the conclusion that one of the hundreds of checmicals that are in the average ciggarette was probably to blame for my dreaming problem. This realization was pretty much the only thing that has kept me away from a ciggarette this long. In fact, I’m pretty sure if I hadn’t stopped smoking I wouldn’t even be posting on these forums right now. I believe the reason ciggaretts may not effect some people’s dreaming could be because of the brand they smoke, I smoked Marlboro’s which I’ve heard are the absolute WORST ciggaretts you can smoke, with way more harmful chemicals than any other brand, this could be why it effected me the way it did. Of coarse this is all speculation, but it was good enough for me. small mod edit … please read guidelines … just saying you don’t endorse it doesn’t mean you can mention it