So apparently I snore pretty attrociously. In fact, I know I do because every once and a while, as I am falling asleep, I hear myself doing it and wake up. I will apparently even start snoring sometimes while I am awake and not even know it. Check out the following scenario as an example…
Me: Sees girlfriend looking at me What?
Her: Wake up!
Me: I am awake!
Her: You’re snoring!
Me: I was not! Ive been awake the whole time!
Players take a bow and exit stage right.
So anyway… the point of all this is to ask… can snoring loudly affect how soundly you sleep and therefor impinge on the dreaming deeply? Has anyone else had trouble with snoring getting in the way?
Having not been accused of this yet, I’m not sure exactly how it might effect your sleep. However, I believe that snoring is one of those things that only affects the people around you.
Also, people don’t seem to be affected by loud noised that they make. It’s interesting actually, you only tend to wake up if you hear something that you wern’t responsible for.
I realize that its not disrupting my sleep per se but is it possible that without the snoring I would sleep deeper and therefore dream better?
I know the only time it bothers me and wakes me up is if I am between waking and sleeping and those self-preserving limitations on senses and movements have kicked in. Just wasn’t sure if it was somehow affecting me.