So close to WILD but I think something went wrong...PLZ READ

Last night I tried WILD right when I got into bed (around 9:30ish) and just stayed very still. I noticed that HI was starting because I saw this flashy white image of an eyeball. Then I tried thinking of somethingelse so that I wouldn’t get to excited that I saw HI. About 10 mins or so after that it looked as if I was being sucked into my bedroom. It looked just like it did when my eyes were last open! I thought I had opened my eyes but they were still closed! I opened them instantly because I guess I got to excited. This is probably the farthest I have gotten in WILD. Do you think I was close to becoming lucid? Im going to try again tonight…

probably but dont listen to me i dont know wat im talking about. how long did it take to get hi

About 20 mins

Yes, you’re definitly making progress. Good luck!

Very good ! :smile:

This is called the transparent eyelids phenomena.

You phased out into your second body.

If you want to have an out of body experience, next time this happens, use thoughts to move yourself upwards towards the ceiling (or to any other direction away from the physical) or simply make an intent to go visit someone.

Have fun :content: