last night i had a dream where i alllllmost became lucid man i was so close to full realization…hehe its the closest ive been in a LONG WHILE to having an LD within a normal dream. Anyways from what i remember, i was on a bus home, it was night out, i was really really tired. We were all talking about lucid dreaming and stuff and i remember at one point laughing and saying (or thinking) ‘im dreaming too’ almost like some sort of comment and for a moment i got the increased consciousness i induce when i do RC’s and kind of periphally observed my surroundings but then i lost it (i think i got caught up in conversation). I remember thinking as i lost the consciousness something like ‘im almost home im tired i’ll take a nap and then have an LD’…funny. I dont remember anything else from the whole night, unfortunately.
Hey well done. The last time i had a dry spell and then hit a half lucid moment and my LD frequency increased over the next few weeks, so fingers crossed.
My dreams have been a lot weirder too. Like last night i was sliding around a supermarket with Rage Against the Machine