I remember having a FA (cant remember what I was doing before it) and thought to myself ‘that was a weird dream’ I got out of my bed and started to leave my room. I heard a weird helicopter sound. I went to the window and peeped through and noticed and a little robot helicopter. I thought it was weird. I started to leave the room and kept thinking how weird it was. I decided to do an RC because things didn’t make sense and woot I became lucid.
After becoming lucid it took about 5 seconds before I started fading from it. I woke up in my bed, however I decided to RC… I was still dreaming, as I started to get out of the bed and I started to feel like I was waking up again. I did an RC once again as I woke up and was still dreaming. I then lasted about 20 seconds before my I felt I was waking up again. I remember feeling fed up. When I woke up that time I didnt RC, I thought it was RL, but it was actually a dream and so I lost lucidity and it became a normal weird.
90% of my lucid dreaming is happening in my bed! I cant seem to shake FAs. This isnt the first time I kept having FAs