So many questions...fear?

Hi I am new to these forums. I was reading for a while. First time posting.

I have many problems with dreaming, and I have been trying to get an LD for a while now. Not that I am too motivated for it, but I do try every night.

When I was little I used to know that I am dreaming, and I would continue dreaming, however then I knew nothing about LDs so I never tried to control it. Then I was afraid of dark, guess it was normal and I tried so hard to beat it. So through dreams I did. Long story. Anyway, since then I am not afraid of dark at all, hehe normal eh? Actually I LOVE dark. Not to fool you, I am not so sociopath awaiting in the dark, just, it’s comfy. Anyways, now, when I am sick, when I have high temperature and such I get nightmares. I am rarely sick, but it happens. And those nightmares…I never know what exactly they are but suffering is involved, me suffering. Sometimes I think it’s thousand horses running over me, something I think it’s some big wheel putting preasure on me, sometimes I think my closest ones, like my mother are trying to talk me into something that will go bad and I will suffer again. Those nightmares scared the living hell out of me before, I mean…it was really realalike. REAL. Now I wake when I get them, as before…so I wander through house, and I laugh, I mean I am scared, but I grew up enough to know it’s a dream and that it will pass, so I laugh and talk to my mother that she can’t talk me into it, but she can’t hear me of course. Bah, I know this is very confusing, I can’t explane it exactly. I mean…I am walking around knowing I am awake and that I am dreaming a nightmare. It’s not fun. I told you alot, becouse you might pull something out of it. Is there a way to convert it to something nice, if I am dreaming then I can change it right?

I didn’t have troublesome childhood, I have nice normal parents, lots of friends… I am normal. I didn’t have any major traumas and such. Actually, I am very hardcore, those nightmares aren’t a problem for me, it’s just the way which I want to use to induce LDs, coz everytime I am sick it happens.

2nd. thing. Stupid one. When I try to close my eyes and focus on something like…" I will have an LD" my eyelids hurt…and my eyes goes to the sides…so far it actually hurts. Then I have to let my mind wander for it to be normal. Why? I found out that mind wandering can be fun too. You stay focused in the background and watch all the thing that comes to your mind… maybe if I stay at it longer an LD or something similar would occour.

Advices please. :smile:

[b]Man I love the dark as well.

My nightmares always involve me being crushed to death.[/b]

I never have such nightmares. But one thing that scares me in dreams is bears… they sometimes come way too close.
Anyway. I guess that if you are sick you are tired and it might be a struggle to change the dream into something nice. Generally in dreams, if you don’t like the situation you can just walk away, go somewhere else. But if you are in a bad mood you will take it with you, and your mind creates the world around you so the new place could be just as bad. I guess what you should do when you get lucid in those nightmares is to try to be happy about being lucid and think about all the possibilities for nice things. Ofcourse being stampeded on is still going to be uncomfortable, so you have to be creative to get out of there.

i think krakatoa has a good point there. when youre sick you mostly also feel down, easily irritated and a little cranky. i think when you feel angry it might reflect in your dreams. just try to make something funny out if it, make a giant booby trap where all the horses will fall in for example, with fireworks and clowns and stuff you know :razz:. off course you will have to know youre dreaming first…

I have had an instance where I had the stomach flu, and had a nightmare. It involved numbers and hell. I don’t even know what I was afraid of…but there is a really odd feeling that goes along with the dream. I dislike thinking about it, to be honest. There was something in the dream, involving moving something large, some extravagent number of numbers (actual large numbers of large numbers, like giant 9’s). I have had around 5 of these dreams in my life, and every time, I dislike the experience thoroughly.

I sympathize with you if you have this type of experience with any regularity. Very uncomfortable. :neutral:

Loving the darkness is not sociopathic at all. I used to be terrified of the dark, but about 99% of the time I’m playing a game in my room, or on the computer at all, I prefer to play in the darkness. There’s something more comforting about it, I find light annoying at times.

Exactly. Remember, you’re in control, not your mind. You’re nobody’s b*tch.

Heh, I love darkness too. But then again I love the light also. i think it’s funny to mention liking the dark as something to do with being weird or mentally, special…
I sort of get the image of a person sitting in the dark doing nothing. Ofcourse I do that. err…

dont worry. We are all a little wrong in the head. I, for example, often find mysylf to be a girl in dreams.

Why? i dunno, you tell me :razz:

Yeah, now that you mentioned it I find it to be very similar to my experience. I got this wheels and numbers I think, and people are trying to talk me into moving them or whatever, can’t really recall. Bah doesn’t really matter.

Anyway, today I found out something new. I usually accompany my girlfriend to her home and then I got this LONG tram ride home. And when I ride I fall asleep but I am aware that I can’t really sleep or I could oversleep ( which btw happens alot heh )and miss my stop. So I am in this halfdreams all the time, I know I am dreaming but random things come to my mind. It does seem like a lucid dream - hard to tell really if you never had a real one. But wouldn’t that be impossible, becouse to dream you have to enter REM state or something right? And it can’t happen that soon. I mean, my ride takes about 40 minutes…

When you are napping, you can enter REM right away. That is why we say that you should try WILD with WBTB, or with a nap in the afternoon.
The only thing that matters to make it an LD is if you know that you are dreaming, so that would mean that you are having LD´s on the tram.
There are lots of people here who think that being lucid means that you have a lot of control. That is not necessarily true. Lots of beginners say that they have less control in LD´s then in NDs. This could be because as more of your mind becomes awake, i.e. you become lucid in your dream, you start "knowing" that you cant do many of the things that you do in dreams. You can go through a stage where your mind stops you because it “knows that you can´t do that IRL”. You can get over this with practice. Some people need more practice then others.
Note: some people can enter REM, or have nonREM dreams when they first go to sleep at night. This is not very widespread, and the dreams tend to be less vivid and recall can be very bad.

Sorry to keep the thread focused on this statement :razz:

I can completely understand preferring darkness. For me, bright lights are very depressing. (Artificial lights, not natural) The institutions I was in all had very bright lights, so now when I’m in a bright room, I am reminded of that time in my life. Not fun.

Besides, it’s easier to listen to your thoughts when you can’t see anything.