A glass of milk
A glass of V8
Is any one of these better than the rest or, what’s the deal? Or are there any I should take in combination? Like I read calcium hinders the absorption of zinc (zinc helps the absorption of vitamin B6) so I should probably not drink milk or eat cheese if I’m taking zinc to help with… gahh asgkldfgkjg.
And can you OD on vitamin B6? 'Cause I wanted to take more than just one [vitamin B6 pill], to possibly get “really vivid dreams”, but I’d rather not like, die.
Though I guess if you could OD on B6, they’d warn you not to eat too many cucumbers and bananas, huh?
Well I just drink a glass of milk like I always have. It doesn’t really matter though. All it does is reduce stress and increase focus (B6). It isn’t a magic vitamin that induces LDs. In fact it doesn’t affect LD at all. Just recall and vividness of ND/LD.
That is pretty funny. OD on B6, I guess you would need a lot of it but it is possible to OD on almost any vitamin
OD-ing is never healthy, so I suggest you won’t even try it. You might also get addicted to extremely vivd dreams, which will result in escapism and detachment from the real world.
Haha, ODing on vitamins. Sounds like my dad. He’s overprotective and sometimes a little paranoid about really random stuff, and he hates it when I drink Vitamin Water because he’s afraid I’ll overdose.
Other than that, I really don’t know much about LDing foods. Hmm…I wonder if Vitamin Water WOULD help? Like, the “focus” kind? I’ll have to try that sometime…