So ... what the hell do I eat?

So far I’ve read that before bed, I should eat:

A glass of milk
A glass of V8

Is any one of these better than the rest or, what’s the deal? Or are there any I should take in combination? Like I read calcium hinders the absorption of zinc (zinc helps the absorption of vitamin B6) so I should probably not drink milk or eat cheese if I’m taking zinc to help with… gahh asgkldfgkjg.

And can you OD on vitamin B6? 'Cause I wanted to take more than just one [vitamin B6 pill], to possibly get “really vivid dreams”, but I’d rather not like, die. :eek:

Though I guess if you could OD on B6, they’d warn you not to eat too many cucumbers and bananas, huh? :peek:

Well I just drink a glass of milk like I always have. It doesn’t really matter though. All it does is reduce stress and increase focus (B6). It isn’t a magic vitamin that induces LDs. In fact it doesn’t affect LD at all. Just recall and vividness of ND/LD.
That is pretty funny. OD on B6, I guess you would need a lot of it but it is possible to OD on almost any vitamin

OD-ing is never healthy, so I suggest you won’t even try it. You might also get addicted to extremely vivd dreams, which will result in escapism and detachment from the real world.

Haha, ODing on vitamins. :content: Sounds like my dad. He’s overprotective and sometimes a little paranoid about really random stuff, and he hates it when I drink Vitamin Water because he’s afraid I’ll overdose. :tongue:

Other than that, I really don’t know much about LDing foods. Hmm…I wonder if Vitamin Water WOULD help? Like, the “focus” kind? I’ll have to try that sometime…