Wow this was a big dream!
Lunar Moon, Gamma 10
Kin 141: Red Spectral Dragon
Yellow Cosmic Seed Year
Conscious Dream: So You’re… From the Future!!!
Intention: Our current project at Sea Life, is “Dreaming with Our Soul Families”. One thing that had been fascinating me was the idea that life on Earth may have been first seeded from the Stars, and that our course of evolution has infact been guided by this initial seed. Before going to dream, I called on the presence of my spiritual guides, to help me understand how Earth was seeded from the stars. I wanted to feel and hold the energy of such a vision in my heart. To carry that energy back with me into the waking world.
[LD]I become conscious in the bedroom, in which I’ve spent most of my life growing up. I seem to think I’ve just woken up, and am putting a pillowcase over my eyes, in the hope that this will make it easier to slip into lucid dreaming. I can hear my mum, in the kitchen making lots of noise, but I try not to be distracted by it all. Soon enough, I find myself in my bedroom again, now fully lucid! I spend my first few moments fighting off an ominous feeling visitor, but before long I’m wandering around my bedroom, and am able to remember my initial goal. I wanted to find out about how Earth was starseeded.
To find out, I know i’ll have to call on the assistance of my spirit guide. I begin to sing to him, tuning into his energetic signature. I’m there, almost dancing, making invocations with my arms and hands. I am calling down his spirit from above.
Now, I feel him arriving. It is good to see him again. He looks about 25, dark hair, relatively slim figure. I tell him that I want to find out how Earth was seeded from the stars. He seems to already understand this, and almost instantly we are beginning to move out the front window. As usual, I am in silent awe of the calmness and presence which he evokes. “It is really good to see you again”, I say. He tells me he feels the same way. “Yeh, it’s been a while”, I say with a smile, thinking back to the last time I saw him in a last dream. We both agree about this.
The problem is, I am having trouble getting out of the space between the outward opening window, and the walls. I begin to lose lucidity. I can feel myself being brought back to waking reality, but beyond that, I sense his energy holding onto me, pulling my legs through. He sticks with it, even though part of me just wants to wake up. And now I realise, that i must exert some effort of my own. I do - all of a sudden we’re free! Now I’m back in full lucidity.
The dream now takes a turn, as my guide continues to pull me onwards. We tunnel forward, him pulling us through the vastness of a dark astral space. His sense of control and direction, is strong and certain. I realise that, I, carry this power too - I am a guide. Those who can trust in my sense of direction, I will carry them too…
Now, we arrive. Looking to my right, I see a large supermarket or service station. Outside a limousine is waiting for us. I see people inside, about my age. They’re all dressed up, as though ready to go to a ball/formal dinner/dance. A mix of young guys and girls. My spiritual guide jumps in the car, joining them. He indicates that I should come along too. There’s a girl to his left, with pretty short blondy coloured hair. I sit on his right, near the door.
The car begins to drive off. Synthesised wavering electronic music, plays in the background, carrying us forward. We continue discussion. And so, I ask him about my question again. He looks at me closely - “Earth was starseeded right here”.
I stumble to discover his meaning. “What…” I say, you mean this area of space, or…". He looks at me. As though to say, oh you don’t get it, do you. By now I’m feeling a little slow. Why does he always have to have such a clever sense of humour?
“Earth was starseeded right here. Right outside the supermarket — from a humanity, post-civilisation”.
It begins to dawn one me, all of a sudden. I stare at him in disbelief.
“So you’re … from the future!!!”.
He nods to me as though to give that vital hint of approval. In a moment of deep knowing, I become aware that our spirit guides are evolved human beings of a planetary post-civilisation, reaching us through our dreams, starseeding us from our planet’s future.[/LD]
[com]Comments: This was just the most amazing dream. As I woke this morning, I lay with a sense of excitement and beauty most unimaginable. Over the past two years, I’ve had numerous experiences with my spirit guide, and really feel I’ve got to know him. To realise, that we - humanity get it together, and evolve beyond the crutch of civilisation - that’s really something! Really has me pondering the interaction of past/present/future, and the direction we are all growing towards.
Most of all it has me realising the extremely dream like nature of the reality just before us and the power each of us has to dream our future forward. In the dream, we were all dressed up, getting ready for a ball/formal. I now see, without doubt, what an unbelievably magnificent “future”, we have to prepare for.[/com]