Social Problems with RCs

Once when I did a RC at school, a freind asked me what I was doing, I told him about LD’s and RC’s, and he knew about them already! turns out heaps of my freinds are actually trying to do it, just no-one ever told each other, weird? Anyway, my faviorate RC is to look at my watch, ask “Am I Dreaming?” then look away and look back, and hopefully if the numbers have changed it’s a dream, no sucess yet, but iv’e only being doing it for a week, how long do you think it will take for RC’s to become habit? I do them every time I look at my watch.

I think one of my friends may be into lucid dreaming now too. He tells us about his dreams alot and one time he mentioned writing it up on his computer so he wouldn’t forget. Weird no? Either he’s a LDer or hes just interested in dreams, I’d ask him but . . .
Instead of freaking him out I’ll follow him around all day watching for the telltale signs of a RC mwahahaha. I will be on him like Poop-on-a-Stick :wink: