I have been RCing for a while now, I look at my hands then look around me to see if anything is unusual. However people have noticed and questioned me about it. Someone said that it has become a habit, and that I should stop it.
Does anyone else have problems like this with RCs?
I know what you mean. Although someone hasn’t noticed my RCing (or at least if they have they haven’t questioned me) I might start making more discrete RCs, such as looking at a sign post of something, look away then casually look back again.
If it is a habit, then that’s a good thing, as if its a habit you are more likely to do that in dreams. It’s doing no harm to you, anything or anyone for you to check your hands, so there’s no reason why you should even be told to stop it. I could understand if you punched anyone who said ‘Hi’ or something to see if it hurts when they punched you back, but checking you hands isn’t bad
The only time it would slightly annoy me is if I was talking to someone and they started RCing, as it would show that they aren’t listening, but I trust you don’t that (if you do then that isn’t exactly crime of the century).
I don’t see how performing an RC requires that you make a public spectacle of yourself. I personally use my watch, and people generally think that I’m just checking the time. Despite what you use as the basis for the RC, the point is that you’re actually thinking to yourself “is this a dream” - and that’s the important part.
Besides, you can always just tell your friends what you’re doing. Maybe they will become interested in lucid dreaming.
think telling other people what you are doing might not be a good idea, unless you know they are really openminded to such things! sometimes i tried to tell some people about lucid dreaming, but i gave it up, because some of them were looking at me like… maybe thinking: you just escaped from the madhouse or what!?
Its no worry if other people think your nuts, they dont know what they are missing out on, right? Besides, I dunno about anyone else here, but most of the people I’ve explained Lucid Dreaming to were very intreagued.
Still, when I do RC’s, I keep them discreet. I usually read something, like a sighn or a phrase in a book or on a poster or something. And if someone startes talking to me, I just do it again at the end of the conversation.
Yup,Atheist put it very well- matters not what you do but you think whlie doing it.That means it is required that you “imagine” yourself as being dreaming."Its a dream,im sure its a dream,lets check it,lets really check it"In a way its convincing yourself that you are dreaming right now.
Im far from wishing you that but on some occasions you might see how dreams will try to trick you,to make you think it cant be a dream.They will be soooo clear and sooo vivid that asking “is it a dream” wont do.Convince yourself:)
Hey, just do this RC: plug your nose and try to breathe through your nose. if you can do it, then you’re dreaming!!! when you actually do it in a dream it surprises you since it feels really wierd to actually work! but it works! and then you don’t look like an idiot doing some elaborate RC.
lol, once I was in school and I did that nose plugging one and this kid saw me, he’s just like, “What are you doing?” I was in a really weird mood that day so I’m just like, “I’m making sure I’m not dreaming. Do you want me to teach you how to do it?” He kind of just walked away, staring at me it was so funny. But what I do for RCs, and I don’t think they’re very noticable, but I just write three random letters on the inside of my hand, different everyday, then I look at them, look away and look back again. It really works, that’s how I get lucid half the time.
I don’t get why someone thinks you should stop looking at your hand, that’s kind of stupid. Just because it’s a habit doesn’t mean you should stop it. Some habits can be good. Reality Checks are definitely one of them.
Well don’t like plug your nose for a couple minutes… i just start breathing through my nose, then just quickly pug it and let go, it looks like ur itching your nose. You don’t need to keep it plugged for a long time to see if you can breathe through it.
Monty gave me this i think great idea to tattoo question mark in your wrist to remind you to RC. well i did it today and was bit worried about explaining to people why ?. well if they don’t understand it then it’s their loss, right?
What would happen if you perminently tattooed “Are you dreaming?” To your hand, would you, after a while, always notice it in a dream, and thus increase ur LDs by like, 80% or something? Cuzs that would be cool!
For one period of time, which lasted about a week, I had “RC” written on the back of one of my hands to remind me to do reality checks throughout the day. However, quite unfortunately, multitudes of people approached me about it. By then, I was experienced enough to know that people tend to think you’re a headcase if you tell them you’re checking to find out if you dreaming, so I had to make up different explinations or just dismiss the subject casually. It got to be such a pain that I stopped doing it.
People just don’t understand the greatness of LDing. I almost feel bad for them.
i have tried to explain lucid dreaming to many of my friends (since they are all psy-trance freaks like me they are openminded), they themselves are often intrested in dreams or they are meditating so i thought i would be easy to convinse them that lucid dreaming is the way to go. but noone is intrested!!! its not like they think im crazy, its just they arent intrested, how can that be??!!! or they dont believe me and just dont want to hurt my feelings : )
but i think most of it is that when i try to explain how one can have a LD they think its way to much work, they are so lazy!
anyone else having this trouble?
Many of my friends tought LD to be bullshit or just acted like I was crazy. After while when I just kept telling of my experiences to them they got intrested and realized it’s not so stupid idea.
I keep stumbling upon people who lucid dream, but don’t really care!
This weirds mw out more than anything - I can understand the skeptics, but how can someone not appreciate the potential if they are able to harness it?
Or, maybe they’re just full of it…yeah, that’s probably the most logical conclusion…
They probably don’t realize that they’re not quite talking about the same thing as you. A lot of people remember having those classic dreams in which they go around telling everyone that they’re dreaming. They weren’t lucid, but the way you describe it, they think that’s what you mean.
Unless they’re naturals, and can’t really see what all the hype is about. Bastards.