[software] Infinity - PDF Available

No, don’t drop it. All you need to do is perform a MILD (by that I mean the trance part of it), and then once finished, move on to your WILD. Let me know if that’s confusing, heh.

Then you must not be as interested as you say you are with Infinity :tongue: .

Out of all the software I have released never have I required a user to sign up to forums to get it.

It should be a simple click and bam I have the file.

You obviously don’t care though, so I guess I will try eating bananas.


They’re just a means to vitamins that help dreaming. It’s worth it to sign up just to get infinity, honestly this is an effective and well tested program.


Yeah sure, I could just sign up. And then the next person who releases something will require me to sign up to something else. Hey lets follow the trend of something completely unnessacary! I’m pretty safe with my e-mail account, yet I get roughly 50 spam e-mails a day. I guess its from all those forums which required registration just for a picture or download for members only. Whatever happened to owning your own webspace instead of leaching other forums bandwidth? I mean with all the various programs you’ve released crammed full of mp3s it has to be hurting somones pocket.

Why don’t we just look at something called customer service? Sure I’m not paying for anything, but I have to go to extra lengths for something a smart developer could have taken care of? At least bananas don’t force me to sign up with my local super market just to buy them.

Maybe if you concentrated on something besides “success stories” & “statistics” to improve your already successful product, you might be able to achieve successful and fair distribution.


aren’t you the same guy that got caught out a while ago for making up an account of a shared dream? and banned because of it? not sure if it was you so correct me if i’m wrong.

Your program sounds good, I like the infinity cloud picture, will test it out now. BTW, I also don’t like the idea of having to register on another forum just to download a freeware program, it’s also stealing members from LD4ALL.

I don´t get it guys…what´s the problem? you can register for free and get some nice good working programs also for free. I don´think anybody is stealing members from ld4all. I mean how many members here are also registered at sealife, dreamviews or an other LD related site of their country?
these programs are only to help people to have an LD so what´s the problem with that free sign up?

where is the love??? :love:

The program is pretty crappy IMO, no offense Ben. Most lucid dreaming programs, you leave open and they sit in the system tray. They have things like pop-ups to remind you to perform an RC, and a DJ to write in that will automatically open up first thing when you turn your computer on in the morning… just to name a few things. Infinity doesn’t have any of this, its basically a little guide to becoming lucid. You could basically take all the information out of infinity and put it into a small PDF or word document. The program itself doesn’t really do anything other than give you techniques, and the techniques themselves are very briefly explained. The program itself was made using Flash so its nothing speccy. If this wasn’t freeware you would definately want your money back. You’d be better off buying a book or using this forum.

First of all, you guys are completely over analyzing the whole register to download bit. No, I’m not stealing LD4All users, No, I’m not sending spam to all my users (what the hell is the point to that?), and No, There is no cult that will come and kidnap you. I have special reasons for requiring registration, and I’ve already explained them once in either this thread or the Paradiso thread. You’re welcome to find it.

Eonn, you’re obviously missing the point of the program. It’s not one of those magical wands that wave around you to make you lucid, nor is it anything related to a RC reminder. This program, if you read anything about it, is a conditional course designed to have you, not me, build up on several techniques to have a lucid dream. So far it’s had nothing but positive effects on people, so I’m a bit confused as to why you are getting hostile against it.

Also, I did in fact put Infinity in a PDF Eonnn. The flash program (which thank you for attacking that too), was created for an atmosphere and just something cool for the user to see. Just releasing a word document would be pretty boring and unencouraging to revisit.

Finally, in regards to the shared dreaming account, that has absolutely nothing to do with this topic, and explaining the situation would only throw this thread off. There’s already been several discussions about it, so, you are welcome to find it yourself, once more.

I don’t quite understand the drama you guys are putting off, especially with the sole fact that every software I’ve developed has been released at no cost.

So, I guess what I’m really trying to say is, calm down.

Sorry Ben, I didn’t mean to bad mouth you or your program, it’s just one of those days. You are right, its something thats completely free so if you don’t like it then don’t use it. I agree that it is better than reading a PDF and will encourage beginners because it is interactive and easy to follow.

I agree 150%!

I never said you would personally spam me, I said the various forums filled with various spam programs love it when I give them my e-mail address. You may not think its a big problem, but it is.

I refuse to download your program until it is made freely available to LD4all members.

I know I shouldn’t butt in, but Zeroexe, be rational.

Do you really think that matters to–or even offends–Bendrummin?

No one is missing out on anything here, except for you. And even then, it’s hardly a loss. If the program isn’t worth five extra minutes of your time to gain access to, then you probably shouldn’t be that worried about really trying it out, no?

Zeroexe, this program was indeed LD4All exclusive for about 3 to 4 months. I apologize if you missed that window, but this is just the way it is now.

Now, the fact of the matter is I do care that you’re not downloading it for your reasons; and truthfully I am a little disappointed in your not trusting me, or the other dreamport admin for that matter.

In addition, any conspiracy you have against forums should not even be spoken about towards phpbb; they are very trustworthy (in fact, LD4All uses phpbb).

Regardless, in an effort to change your mind about us, I will personally give you any version of Infinity that you please without requiring registration. If you end up liking it and want more, then go ahead and register; otherwise, keep it and do whatever you please. If you comply, go ahead and PM me or email me (both located in my sig) with what version you’d like to have, and I’ll upload Infinity to a temporary server for you.

I just don’t want you getting the wrong impression here. :cool:

I would hope it matters, if a developer doesn’t show any interest in what his users think I doubt he will succeed as a developer. Offended? I never tried to offend anyone. Why would I try do that? I’m simplely pointing out a huge flaw in his distribution.

I never said I don’t trust you. I simply said forced reregistration elsewhere for a product which is released to a specific community is wrong. I’m not interested in a personal deal either, I’m interested in a deal which benefits everyone who has the right to a free download of a free product.

I doubt you’ll actually do this, so that simply means I won’t play ball. So I guess we can leave it at that?

zero.exe teleports to the Dream Diary forum…

You know zeroexe, I really do think you’re taking this to a “crossing the line” level with dramatic emotions. I don’t know why you feel the need to rebel against something so rediculous and try to create some uprising or revolution; but let me remind you how silly this is: All you have to do to obtain any piece of software by me is go to my site, hit register, fill in your email address, and then hit submit (no verification is even required!). Once you’ve done that, you then have unlimited access to any and all items, including dreamport research! Now, if you want to argue and complain that that very small and effortless process is too much and is “breaching” the very unalienable rights of the people, then go ahead, but I ask that you take that elsewhere with your clever little teleportal that you have.

Finally, I’d like to ask you to quit treating this like some Supreme Court trial, and keep the thread on topic.

It’s my first post so I say Hello Everyone ! :smile:

I’m very enjoying music and background from this infinity program… they are veeeery amazing… where can I get mp3 and/or backgrounds ?? Thanks :wink:

EDIT: Title of mp3 I already have… it was written in ABOUT… I’m blind :smile:

Now only I need backgrounds…

Hahaha… i was dreaming that someone gave me www with this pictures… that’s funny ;]

Heh glad you found the .mp3 :smile: .

As for the backgrounds…that gives me an idea… desktop wallpapers!

hello, I just now revisited this forum, because I noticed it had quite a few recent replys and I was hoping that meant some good advances or something…so I believe I will throw in my two cents. I personally love the infinity program and find it an excellent way to get out of an ld drought. As for having to register to get it, I do not see the point in it at all, but it has certainly caused me no harm. I enjoy all the programs that Ben has released for free, so I have no problem registering for a bunch of free useful programs, espescially when it has caused me no harm from doing so.

I really love this program. After about a week of use I didn’t have any LDs, but I got excited about my Dreams again and that zeal will hopefully lead to a couple of lucid dreams in the coming days. Thanks, Bendrummin!

Same like you Genkai… after a week of use i didn’t have any LDs, but some of my dreams were very vivid, and from one night I could write 4 dreams on 2 pages in my DJ… a few dreams were so weird… i’m angry that i didn’t recognised them like a dream… :meh: