[software] Infinity

I see, well these are great programs.
I suggest them to everybody.
The concept of Paradiso intrigues me immensely, but I haven’t the level of control needed in lucid dreams to do it yet.

Keep up the good work, you are really doing a positive thing for the dreaming community.

Just started today…

Love the music! :woo: :grin:

Me too.
Let There Be Light by Mike Oldfield is one of the songs in case anybody else was wondering.
I had to look up what it was after I heard it.

Awesome, I had my first WILD using this program, on day 8. I just laid there and suddenly I got the feeling it was time to do an RC, I looked to the side to see if I could see my nose, but it was gone! Unfortunately I lost lucidity after about 1 minute

But it was weird, I though one had to pass SP when WILDing?

So on day four of my break I spontaneously had my first Lucid Dream. It’s interesting that I would have when in normal sleep but I can’t with these techniques and such… That wasn’t even a result of Autosuggestion.

Ive kind of given up on Infinity :sad:

Alright I wanted to de-bunk a certain myth…

SPOILER - Click to view

That is the masturbation inhibits dream recall & lucidity myth. I have had two LDs in the past month… both times I masturbated before going to sleep. Look, this is really freaking embarrassing to write and a bit gross so I’m sorry but I just wanted to debunk that as it’s quite stupid.

That’s alright. This course isn’t for everybody, but who knows, maybe you’ll find yourself coming back to give it another go around. If not, it simply means you’ll find another way to become lucid.

Jake Korbin, myth or no myth, there are people out there who may believe that masturbation affects their recall (whether that be through coincidental occurrences or persuasion from others on the forums). Whether or not masturbation truly has an affect, I cannot say, for I’m no expert. With that in mind, I think we can both agree that masturbation forms some shady opinions. So, while I wrote Infinity, I made a decision to just take this unkown variable out of the equation entirely. If I kept it in, there may or may not be risk; however, if I took it out, there would be 0 risk no matter what.

Saying don’t whack off is purely just recommendation. If you feel confident in yourself and want to use the program while masturbating, that’s perfectly fine.

Hopefully that clears up some of the confusion as to why I mentioned it in the first place.

And, I don’t think it’s disgusting to admit, heh. It’s something that people do and has been coined as being a healthy activity for releasing tension. If it makes you happy, no reason to be embarassed :content: .

i did day 1, had a dream… and wrote it down
i did day 2, had a dream… wrote it down
did day 3, but i couldn’t remember any of my dreams…
should i start day 3 over again? or continue to day 4?

Continue on to Day 4 :smile:

ok thanks:)
my dreams have become longer and more vivid after i started with this program
i feel that im close to getting a lucid dream for the first time :smile:
great software

This might sound like a stupid question, but…
Should i use the program in the morning? So at day 1, i make the rule for when to do reality checks, and then do it and then go to sleep?

Yes. Reading everything in the morning will allow you to know what you’re supposed to do, and when you’re supposed to do it. Obviously, the tasks later on that require you to go to sleep could be read in the morning, but shouldn’t be carried out until the evening when you go to sleep.

Enjoy the program :smile:

where can I find the download for this?

Thanks Ben :happy:
One more question:
When using the mp3’s, should they be the same volume as when i listen to music, or just barely able to hear?

Try the first post. :ack:

Whatever volume that you prefer. I personally have it a little louder than barely being able to hear it, so that I can still fall asleep. Just play around with different volumes and see what works out for you.

Just a quick update. Somebody reported that the links weren’t working for the software. I’ve made sure they are now working so there shouldn’t be problems downloading them.

If you ever notice that you can’t download any of the software, please email me at bendrummin58@hotmail.com and let me know as soon as you can. I’ll try and get it back up and going within a day or so.

Thank you!

Just listened to the beggining of the lucid curse mp3. I’m starting the course and after hearing the claim at the begining of the mp3 of a lucid dream every night. How do you reach this claim. Is it listen to it once and bang you ld everynight (I hope so but its probably unlikely) Or is it one of those that you have to listen to over and over again to make it work. Because I have tried some hypnosis downloads like that and they have never worked. Does anyone know anyways to make them work or answers about what this ld curse is like. n


It’s the power of autosuggestion. What you believe it will happen, it will happen. Nothing more, nothing less. Of course, repeated uses of the audio file can make you more suggestible to its message.

Just as an example, lbsf1, I listened to the curse last night and was able to break my dry spell. It’s just like the guy says, all you have to do is listen. He’s not doing anything creepy or spiritual or hypnotizing, he’s just giving your unconscious mind suggestions. You don’t even have to think, just listen. The mind is a weird thing; it’s so mysterious and yet it is so easy to give it suggestions.

Btw, thanks for including those files with The Goods, BenDrummin.