[software] LucidWarp (old)

I tried to download the plain Lucidwarp, but Rapidshare.de says its been deleted. The mirrors give a 404. :sad:

Due to the massive amount of emails and messages I’m recieving about LucidWarp1.0, I’m just going to put the temporary links on here rather than give it to everybody individually. These links will expire after a couple of weeks. And as said earlier, don’t download this unless you absolutely can’t wait, because the upcoming project will hopefully be released sometime before Christmas (so a couple of weeks).

Also, due to the little amount of downloads of my famous “Plain Version” from the past, I will not be re-hosting that for the old project or the upcoming one. If you have a faulty connection, just download the PDF and that will give you just as much information as anything else.

lol this will be your christmas present for everyone!

i hope this will be good. Will yours be worth trying out?

Which one are you asking about? If you mean the upcoming release, I would hope it’s worth trying. That is after all why I’m making it. :razz:

But yeah, this is in fact going to be a present from me to all of you (which is why I’m making it the way I am, which you’ll find out about later). And don’t forget…with Christmas comes New Years as well… :smile:

wow sounds cool!
DLing now
EDIT: well it looks pretty cool…trying day 1 tomorrow…and a techniqe tonight :content:


i might try this, too!

Although i wonder if Infinity was enough :hmmm:

Heh, go for it. This program, which was made over a year ago, really was a hit or miss for people. It was back when I was trying to explain the mind thought process of “willing” yourself to do it, much like Darxide was trying to do. With that, I make you do various non-dreaming-related activities to show you that you are capable of controlling yourself (such as controlling hiccups, sneezing, etc…), which ultimately was supposed to help you better understand that you could easily become lucid just by saying “I want to become lucid.”

Anyway, I went ahead and updated this thread, like I did with the Digibook thread, and all links are now restored (on both). I also added a cool graphic as the title of each. How cool am I… :cool:


I control my hiccups!! ha ha! I picture my diaphragm moving up and down correctly as I breathe out, as hiccups are actually spasms of the diaphragm - and it works every time!

Well I’m gonna see about this lucid warp…

well, i already like it. The music is so good!

See, there you go, that’s what I’m talking about! :smile: Our mind is much more capable than we think it is.

Heh, thanks man. Yeah the music set the tone for epicness and motivationalness. Took some time to find it, but find it I did! :content:

although that’s nopt really willing them to go away, although I will make them go away by willing next time I have them.

Actually, that is willing them to go away. Just because you use visualizations, doesn’t mean it’s not willing it. You picture your contractions, and you make your mind cease that spasm, aka, willing yourself to do it!

well that is AWEOSME for me!! And by the way Bendrummin you are a genius. Just thought I should say that.

I’ve downloaded lucid warp and I KNOW I will have a lucid dream tonight! Yeah!

:tongue: I appreciate that Li10 :grin: , but it is you, and every other human as well, that is the genius. We all share and hold the same powers within our mind. In order to do anything we desire, all we have to do is figure out how to detach ourselves from learned reality and unlock the true inner abilities that we all contain. Hell, for all we know we can levitate.

Anyway, I hope you have some fun with the program. As always, let me know if you need anything. :grin:

ah! Ben, I am doing lucid warp and I just worked out the time as 10 past 2… and it was 9 past 2! I am so happy I had to post it. Lucid warp is awesome man, you are really good at making these programs for lucid dreaming, to help us be able to get lucid! Thank you, Ben, for all the time and effort you put into your programs!

i’m having a little trouble understanding it, but i’ll continue.

Not so good at the clock check, so ill do one now

i guessed 1:30 and it was 1:38.

not bad i suppose :happy:

yeah, I’ve got about 4 right today!

which is better? this or that other thing you made?

Thank you for actually downloading my programs! :grin:

Congratulations on getting the clock thing. I did this more than a year ago on my own out of nowhere. I was doing some activity where you had to do pointless tasks to improve your will from Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by LaBerge, and during one of the tasks ( which was standing on top of a chair for 5 or so minutes ), something weird happened. I had a stop watch in my hand, and since I was bored from the obviously boring task, I tried to guess the time. But, instead of guessing out of the blue, I tried to get my subconscious to tell me the time. Eventually, times would just appear in my thoughts, and I took it as a message from my subconscious itself. So, I looked at my watch, and there appeared the exact time I had just created.

Honestly, there is no better. They are two completely different programs. This, LucidWarp, deals with trying to make the user understand that they have 100% control over their mind, which ultimately allows them to realize that they don’t need written techniques to become lucid. On the other hand, Infinity is a conditional course to get people out of dryspells or to get novices their first, second, etc, lucid dream. Infinity is aimed more towards people who just want several lucid dreams to get a motivational / excitement / and experience boost. LucidWarp is something to do after Infinity or after you feel you have motivation, excitement, and experience.

Hopefully that makes it easier to decide which is for you right now.

Nice choice of media on all of the programs!