You Are Dreaming is a free LD helper software I wrote for Windows-XP.
It helps to make you think about LD, both directly and subliminaly, and remind you to do reality checks, by using text tickers and flashs. It is very flexible and configurable.
To download go to my website at
Click on New Site, and then on Software.
i’ll give it a shot
Nice little program harasses you asks you if you are dreaming quite useful if you are surfing the web or if you spend any amount of time on the computer I’ll go test to see if it works while you are playing games.
LOL this is pure genius. Here’s to Dream Initiated Lucid Dreams taking little to no effort to have except for the few minutes to download this application. Much appreciated, dodobird, and I look forward to any other software you program.
unfortunately does not work while playing command and conquer 3 oh well i spend more time on the net anyway
i look forward to any future software and i hope you become an active member of the community
I tried it, and it’s starting to work. I had a some-what lucid dream last night, I heard and felt explosions, and was thinking if my bed would ignite or not, but I never got lucid, because my alarm went off! And I wasn’t even keeping a DJ when it happened!
Hi, I have a suggestion to the YAD users. I think it’s better to not put it in the Startup so that it runs automatically everytime you run the computer. Because what happens is that after a about a week you become accostumed to it, and your mind start to ignore it. I think it will be more effective if you run it manualy once in a while.[/u]