Solar eclipse - 29 March 2006 (this wednesday)

Do you know that there are going to be a solar eclipse this wednesday?

Well, I know that in Brazil, and Northern Africa there going to be a Solar Eclipse but in Sweden it will only be a partiell eclipse, in Sweden I think the partiell eclipse is going to be around 12:00 (GMT+2) but I’m not sure.

Hmm, didn’t we have a partial solar eclipse a few years ago? Because that time, it was barely visible, it just looked like it was cloudy… =/ And I think that time the eclipse was in france… so we might see even “less” this time. Then of course, I might have dreamt the whole thing and not realized it was a dream hehe.

I’ll keep an eye out on wednesday though :smile:

I read that in Sweden a third of the Sun will be covered

An eclipse? At 7 [GMT-3]?! Aaaaalright then. :smile:

I didn’t know! :razz:

Here’s a map of the sun eclipse, the red line being where it will be full : :content:

Don’t forget to take your special glasses, or it could be your last eclipse… :tongue:

I love solar eclipses! We rarely get full ones here in norway though.

This is a picture I took myself of the last solar eclipse we had here, on October 3rd 2005 :content: I’ll see if I can get a pic this time as well :happy:

Well, I’m not sure if it’s the same time in Brazil, you should check that.

Looks like I’ll miss this one, it’s not visible from North America.

There will be a partical eclipse in the UK, upto 27%

Sometime between 10:50am and 12:20pm

I know it sucks doesn’t it. I don’t know when the next one that can be scene from the USA is going to be.

According to Julien’s map, I think I’ll miss it too. :razz:

Bouhouhou, it is all cloudy down here, we’ll probably not see it at all… :cry:

I agree with you, it’s cloudy here too :cry:


It was completely cloudy here as well :sad:

It’s a clear sky here, perfect for the seeing the eclipse…except I can’t see it from here…ah, ironic :content:

argh crap!!! i thought it was april allready
still, not too cloudy here, should’ve been able to see it, hmm
/me checks map*