Soldiers in Iraq know they are fighting and dying for a lie

Nearly three-quarters of the American troops serving in Iraq think the U.S. should withdraw within the next year and 29 percent feel we should get the hell out of the war immediately, a poll of military personnel serving in country reveals.

This jives with emails I’ve been getting from soldiers over the past several months and it confirms that those serving on the ground in the war don’t share the rosy optimism painted by the Bush administration about the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

“Man, this gig has FUBAR written all over it,” says a Marine who has served in Iraq for seven months. “Morale is the pits and nobody in our unit thinks we should be here.”

The poll, conducted by Zogby International, offers a rare look into the mindset of fighting men and women serving in a war zone. That mindset is, to say the least, reflective of growing American unrest over a war based on false information and outright lies.

Among the findings by Zogby:

Only 23 percent agree with the President’s position that we should “stay in Iraq as long as needed.”
85 percent of those surveyed felt they were fighting the war “to retaliate for Saddam’s role in the 9-11 attacks,” although the 9-11 commission in 2004 found “no credible evidence” that Iraq had cooperated with al-Qaida in the attacks.
68 percent said they believed that the real reason for the war was simply to remove Saddam Hussein from power.
40 percent say the Iraqi insurgency is mostly homegrown, with very little foreign involvement - a direct contradiction of claims by the Bush administration.
55 percent flatly oppose using torture and other harsh interrogation methods on prisoners.
“Ninety-three percent said that removing weapons of mass destruction is not a reason for U.S. troops being there,” says John Zogby, President and CEO of Zogby International. “Instead, that initial rationale went by the wayside and, in the minds of 68% of the troops, the real mission became to remove Saddam Hussein.”

In another direct contradiction of stated White House policy, just 24% said that “establishing a democracy that can be a model for the Arab World” was the main or a major reason for the war.

Zogby interviewed the 944 soldiers at various locations throughout Iraq. Three quarters of the troops had served multiple tours and had a longer exposure to the conflict: 26% were on their first tour of duty, 45% were on their second tour, and 29% were in Iraq for a third time or more.

The Pentagon did not cooperate with Zogby in the survey and is trying to downplay the significance of the soldiers’ responses but offered conflicting responses. In one released statement, the military brass said the troop comments were not valid because “troops in a combat zone are likely to express negative views of their situation.”

Then Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Barry Venable tried a different spin.

“The poll’s findings certainly aren’t reflective of the attitudes we see displayed by the majority of troops, who are performing in a remarkable manner in a combat situation far from home,” Venable said. I asked Venable’s office for any polls the military had conducted on troop attitudes and morale and they admitted they had not done any surveys but added that they based their conclusions on reports from “commanders in the field.”

Emails received almost daily from soldiers in the field confirm Zogby’s findings and say Pentagon claims of success and high morale are, as one National Guardsman said: “Pure unmitigated bullshit.”

Their emails, and now Zogby’s findings, show these men and women who put their lives on the line day in and day out do so for a war they fully know was based on false pretenses and they are fighting and dying for a cause that doesn’t exist. … y_are.html

Ya and thats only some of the crap thats been going on. Good to see not every one is brainwashed and crazy.

USA is the big dumb bully in the playground called earth .

Thats my opinion

They want power.

That simply , and fighting for peace ? Pfft !

Israel is an alliefor the USA , not a poor country they help.

Why is everyone developing a bleeding heart for these terrorist assholes? because Dan Rather told you to? We are not killing the innocent people of Iraq, the terrorists are. Get this through your head. [/i]

Rad, do you actually believe that?

Eh—Then why is the war only going on in Iraq?, I wonder! What about the terrorists in—well,—everywhere around Iraq?

Yes, yes, America is fighting a good cause. :yes: Just like it was doing on China until they made those production zones where people are explored for three dollar sallaries.

Do you remember that, before they did so, they were called a dicatorship? They still are. But suddently, America cares no more.

I suppose throwing napalm at innocent people to terrorize terrorists, than invade a dead land with massive troups to finnish deeply hurt citizens is oh so much more important.

hey hey. calm down, first of all the war is in iraq because the majority would rather fight the war over there instead of on our doorstep(where more innocent people would die). China btw has been hacking files from the department of defense for years btw (the gov’t calls the group ‘Titan Rain’). Whats next, hmm napalm is definately illegal to use in conventional warefare nowadays. America is fighting for a good cause, the millions of people who have been victims of Saddam and the terrorists. If you think the U.S. is killing people just take a look at the massive graves being unearthed in Iraq (about 2000 bodies per ‘ditch’, women and children. Bullet to the head), Saddam even had his son-in-law murdered and his daughter imprisoned for speaking against him. If he did that to family, what do you think he does to anybody who wispered a complaint about him? Good ol’ Osama has been running his operations from Iraq for years, plotting against the U.S. and eventually succeding (ala 9-11). The U.S. is not a bully but it is also not a pussy. if someone hijacks our planes, kills thousands of innocent people, and bombs our embassys, we don’t let a couple of insurgents strong arm us into submission like the rest of Iraq. Like it or not the U.S. was not made on the backs of spineless pushovers, it was made by men of action who decided that they weren’t going to be opressed any longer. War is unpopular and casualties are inevitable, but you have to look at the greater good that can come from it. The media knows that sex and violence sells. Don’t believe everything they say.

BTW go tell a soldier who has lost friends in war and tell him that the blood that his comrades shed was for nothing, he accomplished nothing. Try telling his/her family, I think they will tell you otherwise. These people are heros, yet all their triumphs have fallen on deaf ears among the american public. The moral is low because they can get more patriotism from a rock than 85 percent of americans.

If you don’t like how america tries to make a difference in the world, then you can leave and go to a country that only cares about itself(I wont name names). :ok:

This is just my .02, you don’t have to agree and I respect your opinion.

For you, people who battle are heroes. For me, they’re irrational animals. They’re monsters, they’re beasts. For you, fighting is glorius, for it goes agains oppression and makes your nation stant up for it’s ideologies. For me, fighting is filthy, cruel—and oppressive. I don’t want to discuss this any further either, I won’t understand your feelings, but won’t argue on them, or on mine.

I just can’t respect anything related to war. I cannot.

Hey bruno, sorry if I flew off the handle a little bit. I come from a family of war vet’s (my cousin is in Iraq). My views on war are the end result of my upbringing, I suppose cultural diversity is to blame (maybe testosterone, I don’t really know). But one thing is for certain, religion and politics are touchy subjects and require a bit of sensitivity. Perhaps it is because of people like you that the world hasn’t already destroyed itself, the world is an inhumane place and I suppose I am not part of the solution. I hope we can call a “cease fire(couldn’t resist)” and be friends. Sorry bro, :sad: :handshake:

I’m sorry too, Rad. :sad: I really rather have you as a friend, so yes :smile: I say cease fire. :yes:

I get a bit like this when it comes to war, Rad… I have my reasons too. But I’m glad we’re not fighting over it anymore. [=

One of thing that I hate about the Bush Administration is because they never admit to doing anything wrong. (Katrina, Iraq,ect…) I have family serving in Iraq too but they both agree on one thing; The whole reason for going there in the first place! It was wrong on how and when it was done! Weapons of Mass Destruction… Still haven’t seen them, you? Dont get me wrong Saddam Hussein was not a good person by any means, but now beacuase of the war we are leaving multiple future generations with a whole bunch of debt. Also I think this is a war we cannot win because for every “terrorist” we kill, his or her children and family wont see it as a good thing and eventually retaliate. Wouldn’t you if someone killed your father or uncle when you are just a kid growing up in a 3rd world country? Just my opinion though.

I agree with Mis .

Rad : I ahve only this for you : One persons terrorist is another persons hero .

The terrorists is fighting what they think is a holy cause , thats the problem .Im not saying that all was well in those lands , but you must agree that the USA wants power there ?

That the oil is important ?
That these lands not have been free since ca.1940-1950 ?
That Israel is actually taken from the lands the arabic states had demands on ?

And shall we take down every one and single dictator. ?
in Laden and co. will continue as long as there are some left .

They are heros for some people .

Im not one of those looking up to them , butI try to understand how it is , beingin war with someone without being able to fight back

I’d just like to say that I have nothing against the American people. They’re our friend’s and neighbours, our business partners, our tourists, bla bla bla. I have never met one American who wasn’t nice or kind to me…however, the American government is a different story…

As far as the war in Iraq goes, they should never have gone there. Why?

  1. Saddams connection with 9/11…what connection? There wasn’t one. The US government had more connection with it than Saddam did.

2)Weapons of mass destruction…well, it turns out Iraq didn’t have any…but the US has over 12,000 of all types of Nuclear weapons stockpiled as of 1999!

  1. Oil. Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world and the Bush family just happens to be in the oil business. They are using war as a pretext for exploiting another country’s recources.

Honestly I feel very bad for the soldiers in Iraq. I’d rather see Mr. Bush over there, if he really does believe in speading democracy so much (…oh wait, never mind, the U.S. isn’t actually a democracy, it’s a Constitutional Republic :content: ).

The best thing would have been not to go into Iraq, but the US did, and now we have an even bigger mess on our hands which must be cleaned up, which is just going to cause more death and pain.

I hope you’re not refering to everyone in the USA. I live there, but I’m not someone who is greedy for power.

There isn’t such thing as “actions that explain every one of them”.

I simply blame our president for what is going on. But I can’t believe there are people who still support Bush.

Its like i punched you in the face in order to teach you not to punch people.Thats what “fighting for peace” is.
Educate,give,show example- power of the gun is simply not only cruel and bestial way but also as we all see spinning the wheel of violence.

*x will teach the bad man stabbing him in the kidneys peace not by defending myself, but by showing peace - i will let him stab me until i bleed out. that will show him!

perhaps we can send all the naughty insurgents to the corner.


I find it ironic that so many people are against war. Is war fun? No. Should war try to be avoided? Yes. But sometimes it is needed for self-defense.

I always ask these anti-war people, and I’m curious of your opinions, what would YOU have done after 9-11? For these people against war, if another country decides to invade our land, I suppose we should just lay down and die? How far do you take this “no violence” approach?

Some people say humans who fight are beasts, they’re monsters, they’re disrespectful. But in my opinion, people who are not willing to defend their families are the cowards. Hey, you wanna hold me up at gun point and rape my wife? Go ahead, I’m a spiritual fellow, I’m against violence. :cool_laugh:

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I support the war in Iraq. I’m not really for it or against it, simply because I don’t think most American citizens truly have any idea what is really going on. I’m just saying that I believe sometimes violence or physical combat is needed in order to protect yourself, and defending yourself against a physical attack does not make you a bad person.

This is a hard subject. I have family and friends that have gone or still are in this war. People support them and their loyalty to a country. Some soldiers want to be there and others don’t.

USA just has a way of dragging sh*t on and on. I’m going to say that this whole war was avoidable.

Sry if this doesnt fit with views on ending hate with hate, but I believe that if we were to go in and instead of using all the money we blew on the war and all the spying and placing the patriot act on america. Use that money to better the situation over in the iraq/israel area by maybe giving food to people or improving living conditions, or even just making some sort of a agreement on what it will take to have peace, than we would have been finished with this ongoing problem and on to new and better things.

Hate+Hate does not = Peace
Love is the only way to bring peace, and well money is currently the best way to express love.

Well I am against the war, so here’s my answer;

If I were in charge, 9/11 wouldn’t have happened. I would have read the report commissioned in August of that same year entitled ‘Bin Laden determined to attack within United States’ (this is mentioned in one of Micheal Moore’s films) and done something about it then :wink:
However, it should be clear enough already that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, so you’ve got to ask yourself, who exactly is invading who’s land here?

I would take anything Michael Moore says with a grain of salt. It might be true, it might not.

And it’s easy to say, “Oh the government should have been able to protect us” but it’s not exactly always easy to see things like that coming. Even if they knew an attack was coming, did they know the exact plans or where it would take place? The truth is that if some crazy people want to kill lots of people, it’s not that hard of a thing to do.

Iraq does have something to do with terrorists. I don’t know if they had anything to do with 9/11. Either way, Saddam is horrible, I hope we get rid of him. And pretty soon we’ll have a new president, and we’ll see how he or she does things.