[Solved] Was that actually a LD.


I am unsure.

  • Did you actually get excited that you had a lucid dream?
  • What were those “experimental moments”?


That probably was not a real LD, as if it was, you would be left with no doubt whatsoever that you were lucid. So, I would guess it was just a dream about being lucid, not the real deal.

I was thinking about the same…But i wanted a second opinion to confirm that.Anyway thank you both of you for your replies. :content:

Well, low lucid LD’s anc FLD can be really hard to tell appart sometimes. When you have a high level of lucidity there is no doubt about it.

Looking at your acts doesn’t tell much (from my point of view, of course) as in a FLD you’ll act lucid. What can really answer the question is the feeling of the realization. Getting excited is a great indicator that you were lucid (not sure if 100%), but can you tell if you actually understood that you were dreaming? I’ve had FLD’s where I say “oh, this is a dream!” but there was no click. If you’ve ever had a true LD it’s easier to see the difference…

Anyway, it does sound like a LD to me (only you can be sure), even if not of the highest lucidity.