could somebody help me on the meaning of a dream i had please? it started at a playground… for some reason all the things like the slides and everything were up realy high on metal poles and the kids were playing undernith everything. then i saw my dad at the other side of the playground smileing at me,and i start to run towerds him but it seems like the playground never ends and i cant seem to get to him but hes still smileing at me! i keep runing but when i start to relize i cant get to him i burst into tears-but keep runing! about then i wake up. the weird thing about it is that he(meaning my dad) was smileing at me the whole time.
For some reason I can’ help but think of the saying ‘The grass is always greener…’
hi tekken_fangirl!
That was an interesting dream. It is kinda weird at how your dad was smiling at u the whole time. Maybe the dream is telling u to recall a memory from your childhood because it is important and will be helpful in the future(perhaps when u in turn will have your own children). I dont know…
It sounds like you maybe having a few problems in your life where you father would normally help you and be therefore you, but for whatever reason he cannot be there this time.
Thus you can’t reach him in the dream. Also it would come as no surprise to me if you were to say your father has passed on within the last 6-12months.
Aren’t we morbid today?
Maybe your mind is trying to communicate a deeply rooted fear of being lonely or detached from one’s family?
thanks for all your replies! all your comments were very helpfull.and my father has been very sick latly …so that may have something to do with it.