Some information needed concerning false lucid dreams!

Right, I’ve been trying to have a lucid dream for a couple of weeks now, and a couple of days ago, I had a strange experience, which could do with some clarifying.

I was dreaming, and all of a sudden, I thought “Ok, I’m dreaming”. I then looked around the scenery, realised I was still floating (the thing that made me “realise” I was dreaming), and, of course, fell to the ground. I then shut my eyes, trying to fly again, and woke up, the whole thing only lasting 5 seconds or so.

Now, before I had this experience, I had been reading through the “was this a lucid dream topic”, and thought how silly some people could be in not recognising if what they felt was a lucid dream, or not, but now I see why they question it.

Looking back on the dream, I’m not quite sure if it was a lucid dream, or a false one, as I don’t really remember being conscious, or “controlling” what I was doing apart from the first realisation that I was dreaming.

What I want to know, and I have done a search for it, and read through the first lucid dream thread, but failed to find the information, is that is there any way to tell the difference between false and real lucid dreams, or not?

Thank you for your time,


If I may try to define a false lucid dream, it would be a dream in wich one acts as though one is lucid but has no more consciousness than in a normal dream.
The reports are usually “I felt like I was acting from a script”. This should be enough to verify that one was not lucid because one does not make conscious decisions. Just like in normal dreams. The fact that one may think “I must be dreaming” does not mean it’s a lucid thought.
One may not feel present in the dream, self aware, aware of time.
Not to mention low level lucid dreams, they are somewhere close to that territory.
If I ever need to decide if I had a lucid dream or not i go by two things. Obviously I must have been aware that I was dreaming and also if I had presence of mind. They usually go together but sometimes i have presence of mind but don’t realise I am dreaming.

So you suppose it was a false lucid dream, as apart from the “I’m dreaming” statement in my head, I don’t recall consciuosly i.e. “voice in my head” telling myself to do anything. I think I probably just tried to fly, as that’s what people say they do in their first lucid dream, not because I thought I should try and fly.

there is no such thing as a false lucid dream…or nightmares, astral projection and sleep paralysis.
there is only dreaming. one may use the energy one uses to judge dreaming, to simply dream.


Anyone else want to offer some helpful advice?

The trouble with deciding if a dream is lucid or pre-lucid (false lucid) is that only the dreamer can know. Since it all depends on how you were thinking in the dream.
You just have to decide if you actually KNEW that you were dreaming while in the dream. Even if the lucidity doesn’t last long it is still a lucid dream :smile:

I had one that took me a while to make up my mind about … since it was my first LD that faded into a normal dream instead of just ending. :eek:

Oh well, cheers for your help.

I think I’ll conclude that I was lucid when I said the phrase “I’m dreaming”, but that instantly went away, and I then only thought I was lucid for the remaining 5 seconds or so.

Still, it was a cool experience.